Oh yes , Rowan is good to blame :biggrin:
Most intriguing GS member?I know that sucks ass but that's all I can think of.
Intriguing , is good! You ll be in that one Dan. Sudanese too, where is he btw...
charismatic too? Instead of spamacholic have chatty/creative or something like that or just leave it like that as it is more fun.
hey hey hey !!
why am i being blamed now ?? come now, play nice boys !!! :biggrin:
okay , so what now ?????
have the awards been cancelled ?? :confused::confused:
Ooh... I've not even seen this thread before! And thx for my nominations hehe *blushes*
Most sporty?
Most famous?
Muscially talented?
Musically challenged? lol
Most Multilingual member?