First much-loved childhood favourite, jimmy saville is revealed as a paedophile, then jim davidsons name is mentioned, not much of a suprise there, but i could hardly believe my eyes when i see britains most loved aussie, loved by all generations, drew a portrait of the, queen, is being investigated for child abuse! I think this will show itself to be a mistake
I think the worse can be said will be he patted a 16yo knee thinking she was 18, because rolf harris is a decent guy
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Well I'm hoping it turns out to be nothing...
He strongly denies, i kind of wish I didn't mention it im sure nothing will come of it.
Its a shame the papers have decided to slur his name like this, almost proberly over some unfounded incident, because of the manhunt on the way because, of saville, who abused over 450 women, girls and boys over decades. Of course everybody knows. But somehow dont think rolf harris be capable of that to even one but who knows-i dont think so.
To be honest I don't know what to think on this, rather then take a side I would rather wait to see what actually happens with this because none of us really knows the truth on it. I do agree that the papers should of held back before they slurred his name but that's how they make their money.
Yes thats true, though its been known a while, media people have only been allowed to say an erderly australin tv personality living in berkshire is under investigation, naturally a few people guessed. Though i agree, too early to say
Let's hope it wasn't two little boys.