Thanks to my friends here,151 messages out of the 200 allowed.
That another good reason to keep posting and reach the 1000 posts guys! C'mon because it got quiet again:frown:
Personally, I feel like I've been a PM whore and so I've deleted well over a thousand already, I'm sure. I like writing private things to you guys, sometimes just to ask for information, sometimes because it's not something that should or needs to be shared with all of you (no offense) mostly out of courtesy. Spoty and I forward our Greek lessons that way, and Ang teaches me Portuguese... It's nice to know that I will be able to have more PMs to my name but after a while I find that I wouldn't know what's in the PMs since we rarely change the title of what's coming and going. Now, for instance, if I were to find a special private message in which Kaltses told me how to say 'yesterday', I'd be hard pressed to find it in the numerous ones we've sent back and forth. Which explains why I've deleted most of them.
But why do you HATE PMs, Shadz???