Yes i know what you mean, i think i just wish i ad long hair so i could do it!
partisan Wrote:Yes i know what you mean, i think i just wish i ad long hair so i could do it! 
Gurl, you can go get you some weave, it's not all that expensive and you can get your entire gay life, flipping that hair to and fro!  .
And that's another thing I want to see happen at some point, men no matter the race getting some weave, even just for fun. :p
First off, if anyone actually understands hair types, then you cant be prejudiced against them, only the people who maintain them.
Depending on the hair type and the person, some dreds and "dred doo's" are pretty decent styles. Now if you let it get nappy, ratty, and gross....then I definately have a problem with that. I mean, really......that makes you look like a homeless bum.
A lot of black hairstyles are very demanding, including dreds...just for the fact that your dealing with that hair type. Its the same for black women who get weaves and add-ons in their hair, if they dont take care of it, the roots will get nappy and ratty very quickly. I have worked with some black women who spend around $1000 a month just on the UPKEEP of their "doo's".....this does not include the cost of the "doo" itself.
I think afro's are the easiest to maintain, besides just shaving it down. "Fro's" can go for months before starting to show signs of needing a trim.
White people with dreds just look funny to me. I mean, really. But again, Ive seen some white people with dreds that looked SOOOO GOOD, I was jealous my hair wont grow like that.
It all depends on the style and the upkeep of what you have done. Upkeep is the main key to having any hairstyle look and stay awesome.
My preference is for really tight dreads, I dont like the big, fat, loose dreds...they just look "half assed" to me for some reason. Like you're not even trying. You know???
I worked at a grocery store when I got out of high school. This black and white couple shopped there. They were hippies.....he was white, she was black. She had a HUGE fro, and he had dreds down to his knees!!! But they maintained them really well. When they got "nappy" hair, they wore these giant berets that covered their hair until they could get maintenanced again.
Basically, if youre going to have a fancy hair style, then you need to put in the time to keep it looking good, otherwise dont bother.
And no, I dont judge people on their hairstyles (well, not 99% of the time
MisterTinkles Wrote:First off, if anyone actually understands hair types, then you cant be prejudiced against them, only the people who maintain them.
Depending on the hair type and the person, some dreds and "dred doo's" are pretty decent styles. Now if you let it get nappy, ratty, and gross....then I definately have a problem with that. I mean, really......that makes you look like a homeless bum.
A lot of black hairstyles are very demanding, including dreds...just for the fact that your dealing with that hair type. Its the same for black women who get weaves and add-ons in their hair, if they dont take care of it, the roots will get nappy and ratty very quickly. I have worked with some black women who spend around $1000 a month just on the UPKEEP of their "doo's".....this does not include the cost of the "doo" itself.
I think afro's are the easiest to maintain, besides just shaving it down. "Fro's" can go for months before starting to show signs of needing a trim.
White people with dreds just look funny to me. I mean, really. But again, Ive seen some white people with dreds that looked SOOOO GOOD, I was jealous my hair wont grow like that.
It all depends on the style and the upkeep of what you have done. Upkeep is the main key to having any hairstyle look and stay awesome.
My preference is for really tight dreads, I dont like the big, fat, loose dreds...they just look "half assed" to me for some reason. Like you're not even trying. You know???
I worked at a grocery store when I got out of high school. This black and white couple shopped there. They were hippies.....he was white, she was black. She had a HUGE fro, and he had dreds down to his knees!!! But they maintained them really well. When they got "nappy" hair, they wore these giant berets that covered their hair until they could get maintenanced again.
Basically, if youre going to have a fancy hair style, then you need to put in the time to keep it looking good, otherwise dont bother.
And no, I dont judge people on their hairstyles (well, not 99% of the time
Actually well put. A lot of truths lol, especially the upkeep part. And I agree, if your hair is looking worse for wear, regardless of it's texture, then you can say this that and the other, but too many people generalize and judge on a particular texture of hair because of stereotypes and what not and don't realize the facts and realities.
I personally like that hairstyle a lot of white men get that kind of swoops in the front (like Robin Thicke), but can easily flop if not managed right. So it really is about the person and not their hair texture/style.
Hmm..I've never really heard the whole "guys with long hair are fags" thing..
I suppose I understand the association with long hair and women/girls, but a lot of guys have long hair, to the point where these days it doesn't seem uncommon at ALL. It's something I wouldn't even notice, but then again I have purple and blue hair.. so that may say something. Really though, this seems more like a long gone type of discrimination.. at least in terms of long hair = gay, at least in my area.