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Has any one had experiences of Poltergeists?
An eye for an eye
Shortly before my 12th birthday I was in the woods trying to make a fire in a fire pit as dusk fell when suddenly I heard a distant man whistling that filled me with dread. I instinctively hid feeling terror, and I had the overwhelming desire to shut my eyes until after he passed, yet I was too curious why I was so scared of this guy. By now it was dark enough that a streetlight was on and no human in the street could possibly see me hiding in the woods so I overcame the instinct determined to see what I could figure out about this whistler.
But as he came into view walking by there was something WRONG with him. I can't explain, it's just like it was someone doing a poor job imitating a human, and I couldn't retain any specific features in memory (for example, I recall seeing hair, but not what color his hair, or even his skin, was, and there was a streetlight on to illuminate him).
As I stared he stopped whistling and gazed around me, finally staring right at me, and I felt such terror that I ran without conscious control. I heard him coming after me and I was so terrified that I can't even recall time, but when I came out of the woods later the sky was now almost completely dark on a street of new homes. I saw a home where someone was home but for some reason I knew they couldn't save me (and the guy was behind me) so I ran to the 2nd story garage I came out beside (of a house for sale). The door was locked but the car door came up about a foot and I barely squeezed through and ran up the stairs. Then I tried to control my racing breath & heart as I heard the whistling man outside.
The man tried the door and then the car door, and I heard him grunting as he struggled to crawl through it. By now night had completely fallen and he/it pulled out a flashlight and waved it around, but it couldn't land on me where I was. He eventually left, whistling again as he walked, and the flashlight beamed shined into the window more than once, but this time I didn't dare to try to see what he looked like again.
I have no idea how long I hid, but I'm sure it was hours before I very stealthily made my way home where I ran in sobbing to the 'rents. Neither were sympathetic and Dad told me it was a Halloween prank and if I hadn't ran the guy wouldn't have chased me.
That night I had horrible nightmares of vampires, including Mom & Dad, after me. They were all dead, only one evil intelligence controlled them all, the Master Vampire, the rest were just corpses, the evil dead possessed by a demon (nothing sexy about them at all). Strangely, I was able to fly and that helped. But at some point I thought I woke up knowing the whistling man was about to come into my room, and I ran holding my bedroom door shut screaming for the 'rents until I woke up screaming for real. And for many nights after I had that nightmare enough that Mom slapped me several times once because she said they couldn't sleep.
And starting from then and for the next few weeks my life had poltergeist phenomena, like dishes sliding eerily to crash on the floor without breaking (but felt warm to the touch), a small globe on top of the fridge flew across the kitchen, lights & phones acted strange around me (flickering, ringing weakly and if the phone was picked up then it had the sound as if another phone was ringing and even after Mom took the phone off the hook it did that which freaked her out but Dad told her to shut up not believing it), and once my binder flew off my desk (one sitting next to me saw it and freaked) and as I worried that the papers would come undone when it hit the floor I heard the rings snip open and the papers flew crazily about the classroom. I found what Giles said in Buffy was very true, "People have a tendency to rationalize what they can and forget what they can't."
It faded in late November, early December (though I'd be haunted by October nightmares for a long while after), but I never went into the woods again (and felt vaguely relieved when they were cleared for more real estate), and my dark fairy tales that I liked to write turned into vampire stories.
And since then I learned that my poltergeist experience is similar to many, in the weeks that followed, the "in between" times & ages (there's a very good chance I was entering puberty at the time, but the lack of eating and such delayed me after), and the mysterious assault by a demon of some sort on a girl just before such things happened (I wonder, had that thing caught me, and had I survived it, would the effects have been even stronger so that I'd have been a documented case study with possible movie based on it later? And also, did all my years of writing fics of children escaping fairy tale horrors in any way evoke or draw that demon--possibly a nightmare image for me empowered into quasi-reality by the same energy that created the poltergeist acts--to me and/or help me escape?)
Granted, maybe I just really freaked over some predatory guy (I do find it weird that a demon would use a flashlight) and have misinterpreted it. That still wouldn't explain how I KNEW the moment I heard him that he was bad news or the strange things that followed which others also noticed.
I've had some experiences with what I might call a familiar, since it followed my ex-wife through TWO moves, and he got up to a bunch of mischief whenever she was unhappy.
When I was little, I heard voices coming out of the TV, in a new house we just moved into.
There was this scary tree in the back yard too.
Oh, wait....I wasnt a little blond girl!!!!
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Joined: Jun 2009
I'm a : Single Gay Man
A poltergeist is generated by a live person, (not willfully), which can do anything from noisy desturbances to movement of objects, the last I have experiance with was at a pottery shop in la jolla, ca when the owners hired a person to clean the shop and pottery would fall from the shelves and break, caught on my camera's, about 1966, jim ps problem went away when they fired him