:confused: so i need so advice this has been scareing me/ worrying me for about 6 months now... its almost summer and im a gay male that shaves everywhere. i shave my legs and my chest and my armpits and im to the point where i dont know if i can go in public wearing shorts... i dont want to be judged but how do i be confident about this im so self consious i constantly think people are going to make fun of me. any advice would be helpful but really i just need to figure out how to not be so self consious bout this......... Thanks!
I don't really think any people are going to make fun of you or anything. If they do for something trivial like this, then they're not worth your time anyway. Anyways, people have gone out in public with much more significant appereance issues than this, so I say you have nothing to worry about
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Just be your self. Don't worry about people around you. As Long as your happy and comfortable.
An eye for an eye
I dont think anybody is going to notice.......unless you run across a gaggle of neanderthals or gorillas.
Ive seen HUNDREDS of guys running around in shorts, tank tops, and even no shirt on at all, and they are totally shaved hairless!!!!
I think its a crime, but hey....if thats what you like. There ARE guys out there who hate hair!!!!
Believe in yourself and like the person you are.
Confidence isn't something that can be given to you, it is something you have to learn.
The best place to start is learning to accept and love yourself and to do that you need to find out why you don't accept and love yourself.
humans are dumb their opinions should mean jack to you. Be you and be proud... This probz don't help much :C