As a huge Feminist, allow me to iterate this;
Equality is not measured upon literal comperative notions, such as "Men can lift heavy boxes,well so can Women too then". No Equality is the state of being in a soft of balance, or near thereof, so while perhaps not as proficient as one another in any one particular area, wholistically speaking they are equal, as all humans are.
Symmetrically speaking, Equal means balanced or even, and so if looking at a couple(regardless of gender/sexuality) this way, one would think while one is more dominant or "wears the pants", the other must compliment this, as then it would not be equal and as people, we tend not to be the same (Homo-Sapien,Homo For a reason), so will "Even out" over a certain period.
This is not to say that this is the model upon relationships should be founded, but is an example of how Equality can be measured.
Men can impregnate, Women can be impregnated, this is Equality at it's simplest, as without either or, Balance or more relventaly so, Stasis could not occur.
The modern form of Equality and the regards in which it afflicts Feminism, is things such as saying Women in comparison to Men are poor drivers, however, what many fail to realize is that the level and competence of ones skill to another's is an improper comparison, as that is very subjective, while to amend the statement to; "Women Drive more cautiously then Men", as in essence, this is a Statement of Opinion and so could only be applied to the specific persons in question and is merely a difference in driving, however to use a broad and general label or "fact", such as Women being poor drivers, is still an opinion, however an unfounded one, as it is open ended and has no real base.
Simply put, to be Equal, differences must occur in order to form a Stasis of sorts, as only one aspect cannot be considered "Equal", but rather the Same, but multiple facets contribute to Equality.
So yes, We are not the Same, but so long as we are different, we will always be equal...whether people acknowledge it or not

Just sayin Sis