05-27-2013, 02:26 AM
I like all those responses <3 cause only 50years ago here, there was some serious animosity between whites and blacks and it's still kinda hovering about, so it's somewhat unusual to see a black and white couple.
And as a product of two races and culture, it was odd growing up, to say the least, but that's a whole nother story.
I like the fact that people have open minds in regards to culture and language even and like Pix mentioned, either party should be willing to explore the other's culture.
Especially Sillyboy it seems lol. Although, to be honest, I think would like to be in a relationship with a person from my country, just for the fact that we'd have a lot in common, even though that most likely would never happen lol, not that I'm not open to anyone else.
Cause at my family reunion(my Italian side), when relatives flew in, some of the guys were no joke! Lol I think I need to visit Sicily
And as a product of two races and culture, it was odd growing up, to say the least, but that's a whole nother story.
I like the fact that people have open minds in regards to culture and language even and like Pix mentioned, either party should be willing to explore the other's culture.
Especially Sillyboy it seems lol. Although, to be honest, I think would like to be in a relationship with a person from my country, just for the fact that we'd have a lot in common, even though that most likely would never happen lol, not that I'm not open to anyone else.
Cause at my family reunion(my Italian side), when relatives flew in, some of the guys were no joke! Lol I think I need to visit Sicily