The poems are excellent good to see other people posting poetry. I personnaly love reading and writing poetry and would kike to see more of it on this site so keep posting
The Dead Ringer
'I'm very sorry for your loss.'
'Speak to me if you're ever cross.'
I don't want to speak, or talk,
I simply need a little walk.
A chance to get some air,
A chance to get away from there.
That place.
The place that you died in,
died around, died near.
I saw you there,
But I need you here.
Oh, God, there goes my phone.
I don't want to talk,
I need to be alone.
I look at the caller ID,
Just to see who's phoning me.
When I see...
How can this be?
The name 'Chris' flashes on my screen.
I simply feel I must scream.
How could you be calling me,
I thought you were gone,
I thought you were free.
How could you be calling me?
It must be some sick joke.
That's all it is,
Some punk kids.
Then I remember
I've got your phone.
You and me, we were alone.
Mine was yours, yours was mine.
Your phone is in my pocket now.
So I start to worry. How?
Oh my God! You're taking the piss.
You knew I couldn't handle this.
You knew that you would make me cry.
You knew that inside I'd die.
So why?
You know I'm not mentally sound.
And I may not be around
For much longer
If you're much wronger,
God, I wish I was stronger.
I fight you're will with all my might,
But I'm slowly running out of fight.
I really don't want to give up.
Help. I'm in over my head.
Hey SUB, you really got me shaken here. I dont think you should worry about a career in your future as you could publish right now.
Best of luck with your writing.
I need to get these feelings down,
I don't really want to spread them around.
I hate my Mum, but only for now,
My love's unconditional for the cow.
I'm upset, I'm in distress,
I'm just trying to fix this mess.
I want to make something of myself,
Wether or not I have her help.
My future's mine, no changing that,
It simply is a matter of fact.
She's running my life, or at least trying to,
I'm taking it back, I'll find something new.
Not to say I'm running away,
I'm standing my ground, playing the game.
She thinks I'll fail. Well she's wrong,
I can compose the perfect song.
My life will be in harmony,
A perfect sounding melody.
The composition comes together,
I've made my descision, it was now or never.
FANTASTIC STUFF  now wanna change your mood symbol?
I'm so full of emotion,
It feels like an ocean.
I'm swimming,
No, drowning,
In an ocean of tears.
Tears shed,
For fears shared.
I just need someone who cares,
Pays attention,
Asks me questions.
Helps me to escape depression.
Helps me run, and never stop,
Helps me scream, before I pop.
Sometimes I worry, about myself,
about my past, my mental health.
I tried to tell people, but it doesn't work.
I was wrong and felt like dirt.
They still don't know how much I hurt.
They told their friends,
And had a laugh,
One attempt on my life,
On their behalf.
It sounds crazy,
It probably is.
I guess I was born
To feel like this.
An outcast,
Lost to the tide,
Forced to run,
Forced to hide.
Never happy,
Doesn't smile,
To find a real friend
I'd have to go miles.
That was then,
This is now.
Things are changed,
God knows how.
I'm happy, I laugh,
I'm surrounded by friends,
My life keeps moving,
It never ends.
I've had my highs,
I've had my lows,
But that's life,
It simply shows
That I am human,
And that I can feel.
Even under
My thick, heavy peel.
This Isn't A Suicide Note.
I love you, but I just can't lie.
Without you here I only cry,
What else is there to do but die?
I've lost all feeling, and all sense.
I've become stupidly tense.
Let me go.
I can't say how I did it,
That would be mad,
It wasn't your fault.
Don't be so sad.
I think my downfall
Was me getting bored.
I'm travelling,
On a journey.
I'm injured,
On a gurney.
The journey stops,
The journey goes,
The journey has it's highs and lows.
Into a room,
Lights are blazing,
Suddenly my brain is dazing.
My journey ends
With a Bang!
I move my leg
And feel a pang.