07-31-2013, 03:32 AM
This is a premise for a story I've been toying with in my Think Box, so I was curious as to the opinions y'all would like to give to moi...for free :p
Beware; It will have "mild" profanity and perhaps even a hint of stereotypical and heteronormative elements to it, but I really don't mean it to be that way. Although, I'm aware that to some it will come off this way. It will be a work of Fantasy/Paranormal themes, while obviously(knowing me :p )also being a romance.
I'd rather you not try to take this idea and run with it for yourselves, however, It is what it will be, although, be aware I could use this post to validate it's origin and to prove I made this, but that's only if I wanna be a bitch :p
Now, without further ado...
As it once was, is and will be, so too shall all things that are meant to occur. As what was, is and will be, occur for a meaning. It is up us to walk the path in which our perception for why and how these things manifest, do.
This ancient proverb has stood for the known existence of all races and nearly everyday, Yusil, in contemplation, always finds himself baffled at the innumerable and enigmatic open ended possibilities behind this.
Even amongst his people, the Sylphids, otherwise known as Sylphs or simple "Fairies" by the ignorant however prosperous race of Humans, know no definitive answer. Although, while not the most advanced nor longest lived race, the Elves having taken those titles, the Sylphids are known to be quite knowledgeable.
Along with being Mischievous, which is exactly what Yusil felt like he needed after a long morning of Mental Contemplation.
He swiftly flew through the window of his home atop the Maetropan Mountain called Lo, the Irony not going unnoticed, as his ancestor's penchant for Mischief influenced this Paradox.
Greeting the clouds, all of whom politely replied with various forms of pleasantries, as everyone knows the clouds are very polite things they are, Yusil angles his White, Green and Pink Wings to plummet towards what the land dwellers called "The Ground".
To Yusil, he couldn't quite get why so many land dwellers found walking to be even remotely acceptable, but he supposed to each their own. It's not like they had wings or even Psychic abilities to levitate...however he personally viewed levitation to be a cheap immitation of flight.
As he hastily descended, he noticed something familiar near the base of Lo and was surprised, as he always is when this happens, to see a lone wolf trying to attempt a climb of Lo. As per custom dictates, Yusil quickly turned invisible in the presence of an unknown entity, as discovery could be disastrous...for them all.
The Lone Wolf, quite large for it's species of which Yusil deduced to be a Shifter by the apparent intelligence of the beast, would attempt each day to try to foolishly climb Lo's forever rigorous terrain, only to fall back down to the ground.
Did he not know Lo abodes no dweller of Land?" Yusil thought quietly, his long White hair free flowing in his suspended state, Green Eyes observant of the beast. He was genuinely curious, as no other has attempted so many times.
He, caution momentarily forgotten, drifts in closer. He can now see the Wolf's Black fur with Gold streaks in much clearer detail, the muscular body that no matter how muscular would naught but carry him but an inch of Lo's terrain. But the thing he noticed clearer,startingly so now as they were pointed directly at him, were the Golden Eyes this beast possessed.
Immediately the beast, as he correctly identified, shifted into his human form, broad shoulders and wide chest momentarily intimidating Yusil, and his now exposed...nether region imparting another sort of...intimidation.
However, he was not prepared when the beast turned man spoke and spoke directly to him. For all his shock, he nearly lost his glamour.
"Why do you hide? I already know you are there. I wish to speak to you. I mean no harm." The man said, seemingly looking directly at Yusil. His golden eyes imploring him to see reason.
Against his better judgement and the teachings of his people, he unveiled his glamour, revealing his comparitively slender body, his erogenous areas concealed by a cloud ring. He himself was shorter than the other man, however, that's a trait common to his people, but he is the tallest in his family at 5'10" , but this man seemed to be nothing under 6'4".
In a very clipped and arrogant tone, mostly due to his curiosity and possibly poor decision, he said, "What the fuck do you want Shifter? Lo is no place for you", crossing his arms while still suspended in mid-air.
Oddly enough, he felt a small pull towards this man, but quickly attributed it to his curiosity and remained neutral. The man's back straightened out, head tall and in an Authoritative voice he exclaimed "I am Arc, and you are my Mate!", as he proceeded to step forward.
Yusil's mask cracked in shock and in a tempest he shouted "What the Fuck?!!!?"
So what chu guyz dink of dat?
Yes, I strongly believe in world/character/story building, so the beginning took a minute lol.
Yusil is a name I made up a couple years ago and Arc is french for Bow, which incorporates later on
Sylphs are Usually women, but can sometimes be Men and are usually mischievous, however neutral, beautiful beings, that are despite their mischievous ways, are quite shy, so always "glamour" or go invisible when they are scared or unsure.
They are Air Elementals, and are often called Fairies or Sprites. Related to Undines, Salamanders and Gnomes.
Shifters are akin to Were-creatures, but are more or less in control of their transformations and retain their human intelligence.
The beginning proverb was thought of by me, just incase anyone was wondering :p .
And yeah, let's hear it
Beware; It will have "mild" profanity and perhaps even a hint of stereotypical and heteronormative elements to it, but I really don't mean it to be that way. Although, I'm aware that to some it will come off this way. It will be a work of Fantasy/Paranormal themes, while obviously(knowing me :p )also being a romance.
I'd rather you not try to take this idea and run with it for yourselves, however, It is what it will be, although, be aware I could use this post to validate it's origin and to prove I made this, but that's only if I wanna be a bitch :p
Now, without further ado...
Nature Chronicles: Wolves, Mountains and Elementals
By: Sylph
By: Sylph
As it once was, is and will be, so too shall all things that are meant to occur. As what was, is and will be, occur for a meaning. It is up us to walk the path in which our perception for why and how these things manifest, do.
This ancient proverb has stood for the known existence of all races and nearly everyday, Yusil, in contemplation, always finds himself baffled at the innumerable and enigmatic open ended possibilities behind this.
Even amongst his people, the Sylphids, otherwise known as Sylphs or simple "Fairies" by the ignorant however prosperous race of Humans, know no definitive answer. Although, while not the most advanced nor longest lived race, the Elves having taken those titles, the Sylphids are known to be quite knowledgeable.
Along with being Mischievous, which is exactly what Yusil felt like he needed after a long morning of Mental Contemplation.
He swiftly flew through the window of his home atop the Maetropan Mountain called Lo, the Irony not going unnoticed, as his ancestor's penchant for Mischief influenced this Paradox.
Greeting the clouds, all of whom politely replied with various forms of pleasantries, as everyone knows the clouds are very polite things they are, Yusil angles his White, Green and Pink Wings to plummet towards what the land dwellers called "The Ground".
To Yusil, he couldn't quite get why so many land dwellers found walking to be even remotely acceptable, but he supposed to each their own. It's not like they had wings or even Psychic abilities to levitate...however he personally viewed levitation to be a cheap immitation of flight.
As he hastily descended, he noticed something familiar near the base of Lo and was surprised, as he always is when this happens, to see a lone wolf trying to attempt a climb of Lo. As per custom dictates, Yusil quickly turned invisible in the presence of an unknown entity, as discovery could be disastrous...for them all.
The Lone Wolf, quite large for it's species of which Yusil deduced to be a Shifter by the apparent intelligence of the beast, would attempt each day to try to foolishly climb Lo's forever rigorous terrain, only to fall back down to the ground.
Did he not know Lo abodes no dweller of Land?" Yusil thought quietly, his long White hair free flowing in his suspended state, Green Eyes observant of the beast. He was genuinely curious, as no other has attempted so many times.
He, caution momentarily forgotten, drifts in closer. He can now see the Wolf's Black fur with Gold streaks in much clearer detail, the muscular body that no matter how muscular would naught but carry him but an inch of Lo's terrain. But the thing he noticed clearer,startingly so now as they were pointed directly at him, were the Golden Eyes this beast possessed.
Immediately the beast, as he correctly identified, shifted into his human form, broad shoulders and wide chest momentarily intimidating Yusil, and his now exposed...nether region imparting another sort of...intimidation.
However, he was not prepared when the beast turned man spoke and spoke directly to him. For all his shock, he nearly lost his glamour.
"Why do you hide? I already know you are there. I wish to speak to you. I mean no harm." The man said, seemingly looking directly at Yusil. His golden eyes imploring him to see reason.
Against his better judgement and the teachings of his people, he unveiled his glamour, revealing his comparitively slender body, his erogenous areas concealed by a cloud ring. He himself was shorter than the other man, however, that's a trait common to his people, but he is the tallest in his family at 5'10" , but this man seemed to be nothing under 6'4".
In a very clipped and arrogant tone, mostly due to his curiosity and possibly poor decision, he said, "What the fuck do you want Shifter? Lo is no place for you", crossing his arms while still suspended in mid-air.
Oddly enough, he felt a small pull towards this man, but quickly attributed it to his curiosity and remained neutral. The man's back straightened out, head tall and in an Authoritative voice he exclaimed "I am Arc, and you are my Mate!", as he proceeded to step forward.
Yusil's mask cracked in shock and in a tempest he shouted "What the Fuck?!!!?"
So what chu guyz dink of dat?
Yes, I strongly believe in world/character/story building, so the beginning took a minute lol.
Yusil is a name I made up a couple years ago and Arc is french for Bow, which incorporates later on

Sylphs are Usually women, but can sometimes be Men and are usually mischievous, however neutral, beautiful beings, that are despite their mischievous ways, are quite shy, so always "glamour" or go invisible when they are scared or unsure.
They are Air Elementals, and are often called Fairies or Sprites. Related to Undines, Salamanders and Gnomes.
Shifters are akin to Were-creatures, but are more or less in control of their transformations and retain their human intelligence.
The beginning proverb was thought of by me, just incase anyone was wondering :p .
And yeah, let's hear it