Size compensation.
What do you think of it?
You know, those old men in expensive sports cars, or that short little guy in the big "monster" truck?
I find it an obvious commercial for "HEY! LOOK! I HAVE A SMALL DICK"! or "LOOK HOW OLD I AM"!
Case in point, one really short guy at work has the largest Ram truck they make, and its about 3 feet off the ground! He looks like a three year old climbing the step rails to get in and out of that thing everyday.
Do they really think nobody knows what that truck is really for?
Or how about those guys going through mid-life crisis or the more mature aged guys using up their savings to buy expensive sports cars to make up for being old?!!!! Do they really think an over priced piece of machinery is going to turn back time?
I just feel sorry for these guys when I see them....that they are so shallow and self absorbed to think that this is going to make their dicks bigger or make them younger!!! Sad.
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I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
I believe it's a load of phooey.
It may signal insecurity, not necessarily because of the man's size, or it may just be something the persons aspired to have and worked to obtain.
I find it amusing too! Probably from a slightly different perspective perhaps.... I find it funny that some people are so shallow that they fantasize about other guy's penises, in the hope that the guy has a little penis if his car is nicer their own. Just sad.
I will be the first to admit that I am getting older, so I guess my husband must of been trying to announce my age, 42 years old, to the world when he bought me my Jaguar for Valentine's Day.
I am a bit confused regarding my Land Rover you say it IS a MASSIVE vehicle...unfortunately I am 6'4" tall and built proportionately, which according to your theory means I have a penis inferiority complex...Maybe, in my case, it is Foreskin Envy...? I certainly wouldn't want my penis to be any bigger, so maybe I am secretly yearning for a bigger foreskin...?
That must be it. The only other explanation is just too silly.....I mean, it couldn't possibly be that some guys just have the money and desire to purchase and own nice vehicles and not be virtually deformed sexually.....yea, that would just be insane....
Honey I would say don't judge a book by the cover or a man by the size of his monster truck. People do things for many reasons, size compensation being one of them. But get to know a guy before you judge him, yes first impressions may be right but try to understand it from his perspective and it makes him more secure that will make him a better person in other areas...give a guy a chance. I always used to think I had to have the biggest merc or BMW. I even went as far as buying a Land Rover Discovery to demonstrate my aspirations, well it may also have been to make up for my small dick. I have now come to terms that I have a small dick and I am comfortable that i no longer need the brand E class merc to compensate and drive around in a six year old Astra but maybe that is now expressing what I really want to be? If any of you amateur psychologist could tell me what that is I would be grateful, but I really am past the penis envy stage of my life.
Hmm. Surprisingly enough I drove a jacked up Suburban for years... And I am nicely endowed thank-you very much. The use of the Jacked up 4x4 was for 4 wheeling, going into the back country and of course using it for work, hauling stuff, pulling tree stumps, blah. It even had a tow package so I could handle huge loads in a trailer...
The love between be and The Beast was one of man and machine, which doesn't have much to do with dick size nor age. Real men have a love for their vehicle - this goes back to the ancient days when Henry Ford made the brilliant idea of selling Model T's in any color you want as long as it is black.
As for men that I have personally known with big trucks and that I have seen with their pants off, well my personal experience (mind this is very limited) is that such men tend to have larger endowments so clearly need the extra capacity and ground to frame room so as to not drag their dick down the road.
An 'old guy' in a sports model tells me the guy has finally paid off his kids college debt, has successfully moved the kids out of his house and has finally earned the right to own a dangerous car that doesn't have baby seat capacity.
A 'young kid' in a similar car tells me he is either a spoiled brat whose biological daddy was paying off the love debt he owes his kid, or the kid has a sugar daddy and is really quite good in bed... if not behind the wheel of the car.
If they are in between "kid and Daddy" its tells me that they are making enough money to put me in the lifestyle I wouldn't mind becoming accustomed too, thus potential husband material. Of course at my age a Daddy with a sports car also is potential husband material too. :biggrin:
Of course I would prefer if they drove a 4x4, jacked up with gun rack in the back... What can I say I like my men manly....
Prius drivers - pft!:biggrin:
I drive a fun sports car because they're fun to drive. I don't give a damn what my impression is on others. Assume away about my dick size.