07-13-2013, 09:50 PM
Okay, so recently, infact today, I saw a youtube video of this story I've been following off and on, of which the South Africans here may have more insight on.
It is about two men, Thoba Sithole and Tshepo Modisane, and their traditional gay marriage in Africa. Appearantly the first of it's kind there.
Now, this will also have questions in regards to religion as well, so I am warning you up front Sis, however know I don't truely stand on any side, as my side as we know is nature, so the religious affairs of man afflict me not.
Firstly, here is the cute video; Thoba being the one with no hair and Tshepo the one with Dreadlocks (Also, I read traditionally, that unless a man is a warrior, then he is not to grow his hair, unless this only applies to the men of Masai, while women wear their hair short regardless).
I'm not quite sure the signficances between their outfits, but to a person outside that culture, it looks as if though Tshepo is the "man", what with the crown, his having dreads and not to mention his killing a cow for the blessing of their wedding.
Now, I find this very cute, and as a person of African Descent, through the importation of slaves into the islands, I find this very inspirational.
However, it made my pretty pink brain tingle.
Viewing this religiously, which is very rare, why in Africa is this seen as disgraceful? I know South Africa is much more liberal, but reading the comments, there was alot of negative responses, especially those to due with Religion and "the white man".
I have to admit, being raised in a Caribbean culture, which has strong roots to our African ancestors, Homosexuality is often seen as a "White Man' s disease" and for a long time, even before identifying with both and neither of my two races and my sexuality afterwards, I believed that. I had no reason not to, unlike the blacks in America who were intermingled and exposed to society after slavery, Caribbean blacks only knew what came from the Mother Land and what they developed on our respective islands.
For instance, many Christians from the Islands view God as a black man, where as in the states, he is viewed as White, even by Black People. And for this reason, many Caribbean people believe White men to be the.devil for trying to change the colour of gods skin to look like them, and push their religion onto them.
This also goes for cultural things, which homosexuality is believed to be for White People and that they are trying to "infect" black men with their disease, simply by showing it and wanting for it to be accepted.
However, for as long as time has existed, Homosexuality has been or atleasts seems to have been around for just as long and so cannot be attributed to White people, especially since the belief is that Africans were the first people(this includes Egyptians and the like, simply because they share the same continent), where then would homosexuality had to have come from, if not from the original race of Africans?
Hell, even Giraffes from Africa are more inclined toward Homosexuality than White Men! :p
So it can't just be a white person thing and to use a very nice quote by Thoba, "Being Gay is as African as being Black" , however there are white Africans (or are they referred to as Afrikaans? - I know this is also the language).
I believe this is a very special and beautiful thing, especially for the Black / Afro communities who hold such resentment and animosity toward homosexuality.
All we need now is for the liberation of Gays in the Caribbean/ Islands and two of the most Homophobic cultures will have made a giant leap forward. (I know about the middle east, but I view African and Caribbean Cultures to be the most Homophobic)
Let's hear you guy's thoughts
It is about two men, Thoba Sithole and Tshepo Modisane, and their traditional gay marriage in Africa. Appearantly the first of it's kind there.
Now, this will also have questions in regards to religion as well, so I am warning you up front Sis, however know I don't truely stand on any side, as my side as we know is nature, so the religious affairs of man afflict me not.
Firstly, here is the cute video; Thoba being the one with no hair and Tshepo the one with Dreadlocks (Also, I read traditionally, that unless a man is a warrior, then he is not to grow his hair, unless this only applies to the men of Masai, while women wear their hair short regardless).
I'm not quite sure the signficances between their outfits, but to a person outside that culture, it looks as if though Tshepo is the "man", what with the crown, his having dreads and not to mention his killing a cow for the blessing of their wedding.
Now, I find this very cute, and as a person of African Descent, through the importation of slaves into the islands, I find this very inspirational.
However, it made my pretty pink brain tingle.
Viewing this religiously, which is very rare, why in Africa is this seen as disgraceful? I know South Africa is much more liberal, but reading the comments, there was alot of negative responses, especially those to due with Religion and "the white man".
I have to admit, being raised in a Caribbean culture, which has strong roots to our African ancestors, Homosexuality is often seen as a "White Man' s disease" and for a long time, even before identifying with both and neither of my two races and my sexuality afterwards, I believed that. I had no reason not to, unlike the blacks in America who were intermingled and exposed to society after slavery, Caribbean blacks only knew what came from the Mother Land and what they developed on our respective islands.
For instance, many Christians from the Islands view God as a black man, where as in the states, he is viewed as White, even by Black People. And for this reason, many Caribbean people believe White men to be the.devil for trying to change the colour of gods skin to look like them, and push their religion onto them.
This also goes for cultural things, which homosexuality is believed to be for White People and that they are trying to "infect" black men with their disease, simply by showing it and wanting for it to be accepted.
However, for as long as time has existed, Homosexuality has been or atleasts seems to have been around for just as long and so cannot be attributed to White people, especially since the belief is that Africans were the first people(this includes Egyptians and the like, simply because they share the same continent), where then would homosexuality had to have come from, if not from the original race of Africans?
Hell, even Giraffes from Africa are more inclined toward Homosexuality than White Men! :p
Wikipedia Wrote:After a duel, it is common for two male giraffes to caress and court each other, leading up to mounting and climax. Such interactions between males have been found to be more frequent than heterosexual coupling. In one study, up to 94 percent of observed mounting incidents took place between males. The proportion of same-sex activities varied from 30–75 percent. Only one percent of same-sex mounting incidents occurred between females.
So it can't just be a white person thing and to use a very nice quote by Thoba, "Being Gay is as African as being Black" , however there are white Africans (or are they referred to as Afrikaans? - I know this is also the language).
I believe this is a very special and beautiful thing, especially for the Black / Afro communities who hold such resentment and animosity toward homosexuality.
All we need now is for the liberation of Gays in the Caribbean/ Islands and two of the most Homophobic cultures will have made a giant leap forward. (I know about the middle east, but I view African and Caribbean Cultures to be the most Homophobic)
Let's hear you guy's thoughts