07-15-2013, 11:37 PM
Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:So your saying he's too ugly to be gay and only beautiful people should admit to being gay?
What are you saying when you say this:
"Yes, it just had to be gorgeous Gareth, didn't it?"
Was it really needed?
IDK this post seems to be shallow somehow.
Oh I know, Stud of The Day is the type of guy you would do... Which is one of the reasons why I disapprove of the Stud of the day thread, it promotes this image of beauty which few people can actually attain, and it promotes this sort of flippant attitude when it comes to people who are less physically attractive.
This man deserves respect, he has come out in a very tough sport which no-doubt there is a lot of anti-gay sort of goings on in the locker-room (if not on the playing field).
He is promoting your lifestyle for you, he is opening doors of acceptance and tolerance for you so you don't have to walk down the street wondering if you're going to be victimized by a gang of footballer thugs who decide to take up a cricket bat and use it to beat the living shit out of you.
That makes this guy a very handsome person - beautiful.
I agree, even if you meant no ill will Spellbound Sis, people tend to point out flaws, especially the obvious ones and make something of it. Not necessarily something bad, but it can be alittle hurtful and shallow.
This is not to seem vain or self-inflating, but many people have told me I should be a model or that I am "pretty", but that when I open my mouth, I ruin it, because I do have a lisp(a literal speech impediment, not "gay lisp" ) so "ruins" my "pretty-ness".
So just because he looks the way he does, whether you mean it to be rude or not, doesn't or shouldn't make him being gay any less believable or acceptable
I get you meant it jokingly, so don't get all uptight, I'm merely saying is all.