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I Want a Vagina
CakeLuv Wrote:So fucking each other's ass is more natural ha?

It's natural for you

CakeLuv Wrote:So fucking each other's ass is more natural ha?

Oh and Cake not every gays are into anal sex... you should know that. It's not always a sexual thing.

Let's please remember to be sensitive to the trans members of our community, of which there are a few members here on GS. No one deserves to be shamed on this site for being who they are, especially in somewhere that should be a safe space for anyone of the LGBT community. I've known several trans people through my activities in queer organizations at school and one of the most inspiring professors I ever knew was FtM. They deserve our respect, compassion, and support.

Surgical transitioning is not an easy issue, there is even heavy debate on the subject among trans people. My stance is that surgical transitioning is an important tool and process for a certain group of trans people who feel that physically embodying a sex is an important part of their gender identity and the only way they can feel at home in their body. No trans person decides to transition without careful thought and many years of consideration, so do not dismiss how seriously they take the procedure. There is nothing more belittling than to call someone weak or unnatural because they could not be comfortable in their "natural body." Especially when this comes from the gay community which apparently is incapable of conforming to their "natural orientation" as determined by arbitrary heterosexist norms.

Hold fast with our trans sisters, brothers and others who are on the front line of the war for gender and sexual equality in our society.

Look theres NO war going on! No ones being killed. You lot are funny.


Do whatever you want.

Get a vagina and be neurotic all your life, hide in shadows. Or go and search your mind, to find what will trully make you happy.

Alright just to be clear... I have nothing against the transgenders, transsexual, or any other flavor of orientation. What I wrote above speaking of natural ways includes all genders and orientation. Some of the word said may have been interpreted by some as being radical but they are not... that would be very hypocritical to say that I have transgender friends and come to a forum and say that they are not natural. I do find it sad that someone feels uncomfortable in their skin but who am I to judge them. It doesn't matter your level of education or whatever degrees one may have, one cannot pretend to know and understand everything and those who do are deluding themselves.

As unknow21 said so well the last word belong to the requester, the first time my friend came to me saying that he was going for the operation I asked WTF and we sat for hours, for several days where he explained to me what he was feeling and why he wanted to become a woman because no matter all my knowledge one have to know where their limitation stand without being hypocrite. And he knew I was the right person to speak with... he lost most of his friend and from the whole crew when he was Stephen and not Stephanie I'm almost the only one left... and guess whom help him pay the fee? I did... my dear friend cost me 50k and I gave it to him... 50k is nothing in my book to help someone that is very dear to you to achieve happiness. I call him Stephanie and I never refer to his past as a man because he doesn't want me to.

However unknow21 may I add you are totally right... but when someone post in a public forum they are ready to receive all kind of replies from people who may not understand, have their own opinions and you're right it is totally to him to decide what suits him. But I also believe that the confusion that one may have as a teen or young adult need to be addressed with care. He needs others just like I'm sure you did at some point in your life like I did when I've got out of the closet.

So boy, if that's truly what you want and/or feel... meet with other transgenders they are definitely the best to advice you. But be selective of whom you meet and yes that little exercise I proposed in my post isn't only for sexual orientation... it's good for everything... people are not passing enough time with themselves anymore Smile Cheers and good luck

partisan Wrote:Look theres NO war going on! No ones being killed. You lot are funny.

I beg to differ, trans people are 3 times more likely to be murdered than the general population, and even more likely to be the victim of a violent assault. Some statistics suggests that 1 in 12 trans women are murdered in the USA, which would be a shocking 10 times the general homicide rate. Transgender youth also account for 18% of homeless youth, despite transgender people being fewer than 0.5% of the population. The discrimination, violence, and oppression trans people experience is very real, and people are being killed.

partisan Wrote:Get a vagina and be neurotic all your life, hide in shadows. Or go and search your mind, to find what will trully make you happy.

Comments like these are petty and should have no place on a site like this. All the medical data is quite clear, trans people with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria experience sharp reductions in psychological morbidity and suicide after transitioning, it certainly makes them more happy than being told they should just "search [their] mind."

And I'm sure as I was reading what you wrote jake, that I wasn't analyzing it to see what angle you were approaching from, your point is clear to me now as a retread your last two posts. I value everyone's input, and im happy we have a place to say what we want.

Oh right. Well I was in the other 82% homeless youth.

Yeah its petty

I honestly don't care coz im feeling defensive

My last comment was a bit reactionary but the two before that i meant.

I think encouraging this can be just as harmful, like I said I dont think we should alter our body's, its a simple statement, but the reasoning behind is not simple, I just feel it coz i am human and can relate to other humans! And can see how we can get things majorly wrong. .

I'm not a bad person and won't let you make me one.

partisan Wrote:Yes woman are considered the fairer sex, woman have doors held open, woman don't face physical intimidation by other woman the way men do from other men. Woman talk about there feelings more. In accidents, for example - titanic, it WOMAN and children first.

Uh, no...there's intimidation galore by men AND women, women have to be very careful about what we express (especially if it's positive about ourselves, we're not supposed to brag the way a guy does) if we want to have anyone around us at all. And all in all if I ever happen to be on a ship going down I'm not going to be the least bit shocked if a man throws me out of a boat so he can get on, though for the sake of argument if that were the case AND the door got held open for me a lot (though I think I hold the door open for people of both genders more often than is done for me, unless a guy wants to chat me up) I don't think that would make up for the crap I have to put up from (including threats of violence that many males don't seem to understand) from all too many men & women both.

Oh, I almost forgot! Let George Carlin sum it up...


I very much doubt a man would throw you off a boat to get on, i certainly wouldnt, im not saying men have it easier but that both sexes face different obstacles and of course some the same, but men are more apt to hit other men in social situations which makes a large portion of life. Sometimes things cross over and theres grey areas.

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