VileKyle Wrote:It matters because stereotypes need to go. I hate homophobia, racism, sexism, religionism, biphobia, and all other forms of prejudice. What bothers me most about this specific topic is that it is even a problem here. This is a LGBT website about tolerance towards sexuality. Since tolerance is not awarded to my sexuality, it is a very serious problem to me. It may not bother you, but you cannot rule out other people being very much bothered.
Oh babes, I wasn't trying to rule out anything hunni.
And yes, Prejudice is not very pretty, and I agree, they need to swiftly find stage left, but unfortunately, they will always exist, as it is meant to. It, like sexuality, cannot be helped. However, it can be tempered, unlike sexuality. Does not mean that it does not bother me slightly or that I condone it, but it is exactly what it is.
I do not mean to offend Sweets, however, look at the Femininity issue within gay culture itself. There is judgement no matter which alley you traverse, however, it's up to you whether you want or are strong enough to traverse it.
Again, I too wish for equality and peace, these are things I have always believed in, even as a very young child, but unfortunately, while equality comes in various shades and colours, it's never the exact colour or shade each of us want it as and perhaps it shouldn't be, as that in and of itself would be selfish and unfair.
Perhaps what you wish is for people to be more tolerant or understanding, which can be accomplished with time, however, time can only tick one second per tock.
Also, I personally believe that discrimination toward Bisexuality comes from a lack of understanding on the basic human nature and cognition, as it has a great deal to do with our perception of ourselves in Distinction with, rather than in Relation with Animals and nature, as many animals, especially the Bonobo Monkey, are Bisexual and/or Homosexual, whether by choice or otherwise, so people in an effort to be superior or different, carved paths such as the drawings they carved of the way Humans are supposed to be. This is a Folly however, for very obvious reasons... Think Box is spinning :/
The Implications of Human rationale in correlation with Animalistic nature and the Ramifications thereof are...interesting to say the least
I have to discuss this with the Divine Tree....
QueenOdi Wrote:The Implications of Human rationale in correlation with Animalistic nature and the Ramifications thereof are...interesting to say the least 
Sometimes you make my widdle head hurt!!!!
I can never stay mad at you, Odi. Unfortunately, that's not true with everyone.
QueenOdi Wrote:Absurd! You know dat head is big...what with all the hot air in it and the incredibly large ego that's gone straight to it.... 
[SIZE="5"] EGO?????
![[Image: miss-piggy.jpg]](
How SILLY of vous to say such a thing![/SIZE]
I mean, then, you know, we could always reference Alfred Kinsey who spent many many years studying human sexuality and said (and I'm paraphrasing) that most of us are bisexual and very very few fall into the totally straight or totally gay categories.
Heaven forbid (and please note the sarcasm).
I slept with a woman regularly just before coming out, and I've met or run into a couple of women since then that I was so connected to - even fleetingly - that I thought about them sexually (but never masturbated to, because, you know, that would be a sin). Hell, I went to meet the new beau for lunch just today and on my way I crossed paths was a stunningly gorgeous, confident, woman with a sparkle in her eyes who gave me the flirty eye. Not only was I flattered, I also swooned for a millisecond. That's not straight up gay - at least according to the stereotypes.
I don't identify as bi because of both my sexual encounters and romantic relationships have revolved around men for the last 10 years and I don't see that changing in the long term. BUT, if the right gal came along, I was single, and we hit it off, I'd give it a go.
Sexual Orientation is such a wild card when you're looking for a meaningful relationship. I get tricking with the sex you're used to (or both sexes as the case may be), but in the end, are we looking to fall in love with a fleeting form? Or an eternal soul/part of God/insert-spiritual-being-of-your-choosing? I can tell you that I'm 99% sure that I'll end up with a man, but there's always a chance the right woman will come along. And precisely because it's such a wild card, it makes as much sense to stereotype people based on their sexual orientation as it does any other ridiculous reason we stereotype folks.
I am completely out of tune with current lingo. In 1956, I had sex including anal intercourse with another boy. I was 10, he was 10. We announced we were in love with each other. Since we regularly had sex outdoors back then, the people of my neighborhood in NYC thought we were 2 boys in love.
By 14, I was in a relationship with another 14 year old. we made love in public places like the Polo Grounds. We watched the NY Jets lose 63 to 7 to the Kansas City Chiefs. It was irresistible, I fucked Peter at the Polo Grounds.
Let me state the obvious. If you had a course in Psychology 101, all human traits are distributed on the bell curve. With men, one end of the curve is where guys who not only feel like women are willing to have a sex change operation,like Christine Jorgenson did in the 1950's. At the other end, you find men who are such loners they can't bear the presence of another man in the room with them.
In between you have 3 billion guys who float back and forth sexually. I was always considered a very manly guy but I always had sex with boys and me.
At 67, why can't I just be called a man. Since there were times I enjoyed sex with women, why should I be called bisexual. I hate the word, bisexual. It's like saying I may be bipolar. I want what I want when I want it. That's why the marines said I had leadership abilities. I also liked to fuck fellow marines.
Let's skip all this LGBT shit and call us what we are. Boys, teenagers and men. Girls, teenagers and women. I don't really give a shit that most of the guys I had sex with got married. God bless them and their children.
At 67, I think Rachel Maddow, is the hottest commentator on TV. I don't care if she claims to be lesbian, I stil would marry her because she is good looking, bright, charming and has a great sense of humor.
Why am I always asked if I am Gay. I was 30 when I first heard that word. I decorate my house gay for Christmas. Men have fucked other men since we let the Garden of Eden. Men have had children since the Garden of Eden. I don't give a flying fuck if Adam fucked Eve or Steve. I just hope he got laid frequently. That's what I always wanted. Who made up this silly questionaire who says we must check a box. I am what I am as Popeye would say, I am going to eat spinach. No, I am not a vegetarian, like most normal men I like pizza with meat.
Stop all this classifying of people to please the politically correct. Those assholes run TV, politics and most universities. Our lives are being altered by ignorant men. I am still curious annd would like to try something new before I died.
Anyone got a nice tree I could fuck. I will pull out my own splinters and not ask you for help.
I think you're missing the point of this thread, gilhooly. This was meant to break apart all the stereotypes aimed at people who have sex with both men and women. It's not meant to wall us into a classification system. You aren't the only one to misinterpret this entirely, though. You may hate the term "bisexual," so call it whatever the hell you want to call it or nothing at all. It's not about the label, and I really don't care if I'm called one thing or another either. It's about breaking free from how others perceive us. I want exactly what you want, and so do many others. I don't want to be forced into what others tell me I have to be, nor do I want to be judged by that.