sudanese Wrote:Ive just come across this in another thread , and ..... i am dazzled ....
Marshlander ... your posting sounds like a little bit ... strict ... mmm ... i don't know how to describe it ... anyway ... i didn't imagine at all that you could be a musician !

and the occupied teacher ... our prince is a dancer .... wow
so .. i think this deserves a separate thread ....
come here gentle men

I don't see why my job deserves even half of a separate thread :confused: Everybody has to earn a living somehow.
Strict? Lol, if only you knew! However, I often seem to find myself having to pull disparate elements within workshop groups into something performable. I suppose that requires a certain sense of purpose?
spotysocks Wrote:I knew marsh is a musician but didnt know was PA is a trained dancer and i was also impressed :biggrin: Marsh has the notes prince has the rhythm
Avoiding the obvious cliché about making beautiful music together ... doh! I composed a little music for one of Albert's shows last year and have been asked to write some more for his amazing outdoor summer spectacle.
Dan1089 Wrote:Haha
mile: marsh once mentioned something about singing on stage but I thought that it was a hobby.What's the name of the band?Any sample available online?As for prince,that guy never fails to amaze me.
Yeah, right! That would give wlm plenty to Google. Yes, there are examples of my music online on my own websites and on the MySpace page of one of my bands. Like most musicians I know, I don't earn enough from a single project, so I work with several bands (including a couple of my own), I compose and I run workshops in a variety of musical activities.
Giving you the name of a band would rather compromise the anonymity of a nom de keyboard!