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Bisexual (homosexual) esoterics and theosophy
I'm writing books concerning esoterics and theosophy in Russian. Now I'm looking for a person for communicating in English on these themes. One of this theme is a fragment of bisexual esoterics and theosophy (that is my fourth book in esoterics). add me in skype: artnickolay
Cosmic and esoteric reasons of homosexuality origin
Nowadays with the activation process of homosexual tendencies in modern society appears multiple versions of the given condition appearance. The scientists learning the peculiarities of this state could find the origins of such behavior in animals, studied the distinguishing genetics peculiarities, size of hypothalamus and various things that according to their mind can answer for the appearance reasons of this psyche peculiarity. But among them hardly meet the mentioning of cosmic (energetic), karmical (karma) and egregorical parameters of appraisal. We will talk about it in this book.
I call homosexuality the condition because in reality from my point of view don’t exist any psychic or physical deviations. And all these are the various conditions types caused by the change from the main criterion to the side of plus or minus accepted by the society as etalon or closed to the ideal on the given moment of time. Arguing on the higher level we start to comprehend that by the means of the given states Higher Forces develop the human soul at her presence in the psychical body for monad of individual to take the definite set of qualities. But in the previous book I used the term deviation at description of depression, schizophrenia and other peculiarities of human psyche because to the physical and psychical conditions is liable in this or that measure all humankind that’s why the given name won’t be discarding with their perception. It’s quite another matter when it concerns the sexual, religious, ethnical and social aspects where each group can feel herself discriminated or dominating in relation to other similar unifications in one or some from above-listed principles or any other the sense of which concludes in humanity separation on separate subdivisions.
Let’s now look at the list of energetic-information, karmic and egregorical reasons got by me as a result of telepathic channeling with the cosmic Force studying the homosexuality in the human society.
Energetic-information and karmic reasons:
1) soul of individual incarnated in Lemuria (at the time when the beings were unisexual) or in Atlantis (when already appeared the differentiation in sexual signs, but the homosexual relations used in the aims of the definite ceremonials realization);
2) soul of individual came from the cosmic worlds of humanoid or energetic type, where was the absence in sexual sign, and therefore for the given individual there is no concept of male and female gender (the phenomenon of bisexuality);
3) soul of individual incarnated in Rome, Egypt of the far past where the homosexual contact was present as the experiment of creation of definite types energies appearing at its realization;
4) soul was incarnating for a long time in the woman’s body (usually during some incarnations) but in the present incarnation got the male body;
5) soul of individual ought to work in this incarnation over the definite important problem for the society in the areas of art (for instance, pictures and poetry), science and don’t have any time for family creation (usually in these cases met the individuals which have the similar aspirations of information character);
But the given fact is not characteristic only for homosexual orientation and can happen between male and female. However in both cases the given condition often characterizes as the reluctance to have children although this parameter is not obligatory too;
6) this condition is given to pious for him for the account of sublimation and guilt feeling to start to develop in himself such qualities as charity, compassion, love to fellow creature;
In this case is shown the explicit example of how with the assistance of various human conditions to form his perception to the side free from any forms of sexual interaction and directed on spirituality development. It’s necessary to understand that the truthful aim of all sexual relations concludes in souls unification and/or child upbringing but not in any amusements independent of sexual orientation. However at the present moment this state is practically impossible for multiple of people however we have to tend to it. Then will disappear many contradictions connected with the sexual sphere because all people will comprehend the purpose of this mechanism given to them by God. But it’s necessary to understand that some spiritual teachers, scientists or other individuals could achieve it because of sublimation and complete suppression or the initial absence.
However in some cases forms of sexual interaction are transferred to the creativity level out of dependence from homosexual or heterosexual human orientation.
7) individual starts to create masterpieces in view of pictures, novels, poems where is reflected his internal spiritual struggle and its transference on the level of gracious works, the fight of spiritual and psychical principles and many other;
Nowadays appeared some works of filmography and art where, for instance, is shown the priest and his inside struggle with own inclinations of various origin. From one side it can be shown that this comprehension doesn’t accord with the religious world-perception but in some cases it makes individual deeper penetrate into internal sense of religion and to be inspired with the love to God played the positive role in the development of human soul. Thus own aspect of struggle with sin (and even the temporal defeat that makes the human to suffer even more) can bear not only the negative character as many people think but also give the profit to the soul development of the human (that was discussed above) as well as to the people surrounding him (for example, to change the feeling of rude disgust to the neutral compassion and comprehension).
Cool souls of two people have the energetic and informational connection coming from past incarnations that appears in their present life independent from their male or female psychical body;
In the given case both individuals can feel to each other strong spiritual and physical inclination. However in some cases the memory of one of them can be blocked.
It’s obligatory to mention that the love to other person on the high level can appear on spiritual plan without including the element of physical intimacy. The love to country, humankind, Earth, Universe can be achieved in reality in most beautiful and high forms. But sometimes it happens on the contrary that on the definite stage human needs more material form of love for perceiving her sacral spiritual sense because in this case happens the unification of energetic centers of given individuals. This type of love can include the sexual act but also can happen on the level of spiritual harmony, tantra lessons and minimal physical interaction (kisses, hugs). The second variant tends to the spiritual love activation to other human in larger grade than the first one.
9) souls of two individuals had the strong energetic connection when they were in the thin plan in the period between physical incarnations and which appears in their life independent of the male and female gender;
This point in its semantic meaning is close to the previous one but the main difference concludes in the point that in the given case cosmic Forces leading these souls permitted them to take combined development program at embodiment into the psychical reality. In the first case the connection comes from the past incarnations on the earth plan but isn’t connected with the souls’ manifestation in the thin world.
10) individual has got in the childish age the strong stress factor that caused on the subconscious level the fear and uncertainty in his relation to the opposite sex;
This factor was fully enough described by Z.Freud, but in his case the emphasis was made on unconsciousness. But it isn’t still explained in what energetic strata it is contained because in this sense the term of unconsciousness isn’t the abstraction. In reality the given stress factor usually hit the astral body but in some cases it can touch even higher bodies. What concerns the own soul here is the speech probably not about the soul wounds but about the disturbance of connection between the monad and thin bodies as a result of enrolment of low and negative energies by the energetic bodies. In some cases if the individual reaches the high grade of compassion, charity and love as a result of own sufferings of the high level (until the buddhi level– the body of deep truthful values), that in this case the experience can be enrolled in soul matrix. But the own fact of enrollment of the earth experience in monad happens only in according stages of human life when happens the deep *nalysis by the Sky Teacher (the Highest Mind leading, assisting and directing the human) of the life program of individual on the given incarnation.

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