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I know that the Huffington Post isn't the most reliable sources of news but this is a very curious photograph:
"You can be young without money but you can't be old without money"
Maggie the Cat from "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." by Tennessee Williams
This reminds me of the controversial Maurice Sachs having sex with gay boys while Bordeaux was being bombed by the nazis.
I think it's brilliant. I mean who wouldn't rather be chillin at the beach instead of caught between fanatics and extremists tearing the crap out of each other and burning the city down in the process?
Well, water IS the best fire putter outter.......
And in other news.....
People go homeless as politicians buy bigger mansions.
People go hungry as CEO's of conglomerates feed on expensive cuisine.
Kids are bullied, brutalized, and beaten to death while the police sit on their donut filled asses.
Etc, etc, etc......
Egypt is a mess. But I have to appreciate the fact that the people after many many years of living under a despot have finally made their voices heard. It reminds me of something Thomas Jefferson said to John Adams when they were discussing the French Revolution. Adams was appalled at the loss of life and Jefferson simply said to him "France is in the throws of a violent birth".
Egypt is in the throws of a violent birth and I hope the baby is freedom for a people long oppressed.