Specifically someone who you aren't totally sure is gay- someone who isn't really even an acquaintance. Which, in that case, would need to be subtle or ambiguous (but not THAT ambiguous). There's someone who I think may be interested in me, and who I think is quite likely gay, but again, I'm not really totally sure. I have a creeping suspicion, I'll put it that way. But, yeah, what's a good way to approach that sort of situation? Like, either, ambiguously make some sort of pass at them, or basically say "hey, yeah, I'm gay over here, just FYI" without really saying it.
I'm not someone who is socially awkward really, but I do get nervous sometimes around people I'm attracted to and I can fumble or do something stupid. Other times I can keep it cool, but I'm prone to disasters, so I'd like to go about this in a way that's as smooth as possible. I've never really learned to how to flirt with anyone or make a pass at them, so it's all foreign territory to me.
Just me..
But try to approach it as you would when you're trying to
make friends with someone. Who knows, maybe you guys
end up becoming friends and you'll find out more about him
in the end.
good luck :]
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Joined: Jul 2010
I'm a : Single Gay Man
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In order to find out if he is gay/bisexual, you need to get to know him better by hanging out with him and possibly discussing topics like "Gay Marriage" to see what he thinks of gay people. If he's cool with gay people,,, then you can tell him you are gay, or leaning that way. Once he knows your gay or ok with gay people, he is likely to tell you what his sexual orientation is.
If he's gay/bisexual, then all you got to do is tell him you think he's a great guy and would he like to go on a date with you.
The first step in romance is "getting to know each other".........................
jimcrackcorn Wrote:In order to find out if he is gay/bisexual, you need to get to know him better by hanging out with him and possibly discussing topics like "Gay Marriage" to see what he thinks of gay people. If he's cool with gay people,,, then you can tell him you are gay, or leaning that way. Once he knows your gay or ok with gay people, he is likely to tell you what his sexual orientation is.
If he's gay/bisexual, then all you got to do is tell him you think he's a great guy and would he like to go on a date with you.
The first step in romance is "getting to know each other".........................
Very true. I often ask new people about their views on gay topics. Not right off the bat lol, but from the answers, I can usually figure the person out. And if not, they either tell me right out or I ask them.
I don't know, I suppose I am just very blunt, so I don't really feel anyway about asking a guy "what do you think of gay guys?"
Eitherway, I get an answer...I would just be honest and upfront. When I meet new people, I never pretend or whatever, I say "oh those shoes are cute" and just be myself really
Just say something about a guy on Tv or something nonchalantly. He can either agree or disagree and based on the reaction, would give you an inclination if not the answer.
I basically came on to my straight co-worker at the aquarium and he told me, he don't mind hanging out with gay guys and stuff, but that he's straight and that nothing would ever happen, so I stopped and now we're good friends
Definitely establish the friendship first, it's important to know someone as a friend before potentially knowing them as a lover. The guys I've dated all initiated a friendship with me and then the topic of being gay came up and they would tell me they are. Once I'd tell them I was gay too they'd swoop in and ask me out.
Although I did like the blunt approach when a cute guy approached me in a bar and asked me, "are you gay!?" And when I said yes he danced with me and we made out in the backseat of his until the sun rose. It was fun but the real potential for a relationship comes from a solid friendship.
I worked out that my bf was gay when we first met when he talked about some of the lesser known gay clubs that he'd been meaning to go to.
IF there was a bad reaction he could have passed it off as not knowing that the club was a gay club
starbelly Wrote:Specifically someone who you aren't totally sure is gay- someone who isn't really even an acquaintance. Which, in that case, would need to be subtle or ambiguous (but not THAT ambiguous). There's someone who I think may be interested in me, and who I think is quite likely gay, but again, I'm not really totally sure. I have a creeping suspicion, I'll put it that way. But, yeah, what's a good way to approach that sort of situation? Like, either, ambiguously make some sort of pass at them, or basically say "hey, yeah, I'm gay over here, just FYI" without really saying it.
I'm not someone who is socially awkward really, but I do get nervous sometimes around people I'm attracted to and I can fumble or do something stupid. Other times I can keep it cool, but I'm prone to disasters, so I'd like to go about this in a way that's as smooth as possible. I've never really learned to how to flirt with anyone or make a pass at them, so it's all foreign territory to me.
Grab his face and play "sucker fish".
His response should let you know how he feels.
You just go all flamboyant to that guy, and lick his eye, and then grab his crotch, if he likes it... he is all yours, if he doesn't... D; well, I'd run gurl.
I'm thinking of working up the nerve to approaching this guy for real, which is a huge thing for me. I'll have to gauge the situation a bit more before I do anything drastic, but it's gotten to the point that I feel it would be weird for me NOT to question his apparent actions. I go to his work a lot and he's always overly friendly to me— more than he is with other customers from what I can tell. At first I thought nothing of it, but then one time he stared me dead on in the eyes and told me to have a lovely night, smiled a big smile, and then appeared to stop himself from saying something else, and then just waved bye. He's had his co-workers help other people so that he could help me (at least that's what it looked like). He strikes me as being perceivably gay (feminine, soft speaking voice, the way he carries himself), and goes out of his way to bid me farewell sometimes. Recently, I was leaving and walked past him and as I was walking off, he looked up and told me to take care— I naturally turned around, and he smiled at me, and shot me a peace sign. Is that not... unusual?
That said, all this could just mean he's being friendly and nothing more, but it seems odd for him to give that much attention to a customer as frequently as he does. None of the other workers there are remotely like that to me. I've never been treated like that by a male clerk, ever. Not even females, really. It just seems like overkill for him to go out of his way to do all that stuff for the sake of just being "friendly" to me.
Like I said, I'm gonna give it more time to try and figure out what's going on there, but I sense something based on the way he acts toward me. It's actually sort of brazen. Most dudes don't do/say the things he has to other dudes while they're at work, especially if they don't know they're gay. Maybe he can just tell I am, or is rolling the dice. He's halfway discreet, but I get the itching feeling that he might have a thing for me. I'm going to take it slow and see if there are any other hints or occurrences in the near future when I stop by there (which is regularly), and if I have the opportunity, I'm going to either strike up a conversation or force him to introduce himself to me.