08-21-2013, 06:07 AM
This post is directed to those who start and participate in threads having to do with religious belief or non-belief.
We've had a few good threads where people could respectfully discuss different beliefs without it degenerating into name-calling or telling people they're going to Hell for not believing, or that they're delusional for believing in a man in the sky, or whatever. Unfortunately, most degenerate into angry posts hurling insults at one another. This isn't OK.
The bottom line is, a theist will not be able to convince an athiest that religion is real, or exists, or is sensible, and an atheist is not going to be able to convince a theist that religion is a waste of time.
Each person is entitled to hold his or her own beliefs.
It does not matter how strongly you are convinced that there's zero logic to support the idea of any supreme diety, or how deeply you've felt the connection and spirit of God in your body to convince you that God is real. Neither of you will ever convince the others.
So, to and to facilitate a welcoming and respectful community, it is absolutely imperative that people stop making belittling remarks toward each others' beliefs or non-beliefs, tell them they're delusional or that they're going to hell, or otherwise personally attack them. (This, by the way, applies in many situations, not just in religion.)
Each of you who post can help by not responding in anger to a post, not resorting to personal attacks, calling people "buffoons" or "assholes" or "ignorant" or anything of the sort.
If you feel anger as you're posting... stop, take a break, wait, and then think about how you can say what you want to say without offending the other. If you can learn to do that... you'll make the community a much more pleasant place to be.
Thanks Joshular

We've had a few good threads where people could respectfully discuss different beliefs without it degenerating into name-calling or telling people they're going to Hell for not believing, or that they're delusional for believing in a man in the sky, or whatever. Unfortunately, most degenerate into angry posts hurling insults at one another. This isn't OK.
The bottom line is, a theist will not be able to convince an athiest that religion is real, or exists, or is sensible, and an atheist is not going to be able to convince a theist that religion is a waste of time.
Each person is entitled to hold his or her own beliefs.
It does not matter how strongly you are convinced that there's zero logic to support the idea of any supreme diety, or how deeply you've felt the connection and spirit of God in your body to convince you that God is real. Neither of you will ever convince the others.
So, to and to facilitate a welcoming and respectful community, it is absolutely imperative that people stop making belittling remarks toward each others' beliefs or non-beliefs, tell them they're delusional or that they're going to hell, or otherwise personally attack them. (This, by the way, applies in many situations, not just in religion.)
Each of you who post can help by not responding in anger to a post, not resorting to personal attacks, calling people "buffoons" or "assholes" or "ignorant" or anything of the sort.
If you feel anger as you're posting... stop, take a break, wait, and then think about how you can say what you want to say without offending the other. If you can learn to do that... you'll make the community a much more pleasant place to be.
Thanks Joshular
