kidchameleon Wrote:Oh. My. God! :o
If this isn't a hoax... humanity is doomed 
I can definitely tell you from experience, this is NO hoax.
I can also tell you stories about all the piece of shit customers Ive seen and had to deal with.
And the really SICK thing is, that most of these people do it ON PURPOSE!
I will tell you this little story though....
I worked at Braums once, its a ice cream and hamburger store, if you havent heard of it.
I was warned about this one woman who always came in with her older mother for lunch.
She would order her burger a certain way (which she always got), and she would order her mothers burger the opposite way (which she always got). THEN.....when they got to their table, this woman would SWITCH burgers and then stomp up to the register, throw a fit and DEMAND a new burger!!!
Several employees told me of this, and warned me to watch them if it ever happened to me. Well, it did one day, and I watched.....both of them got their burgers EXACTLY the way they were ordered. They went to sit down, the woman SWITCHED the burgers around, and then came up to me demanding a new burger!
Why? Who knows.....probably "nobody home". Why she was allowed in public, much less allowed to drive was beyond me.
There are people who do this "for a living". Most of them do this to get free food, or get a discount on their food. Ive been in all sorts of retail and could write a book on this shit.