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Gay Animals!
I thought animals could actually be gay. Aren't there male lions that prefer to mount other male lions rather than the female ones? Or that one gay penguin couple that successfully raised an egg. They became a couple even before receiving the egg too.

There are a lot of species who has animals homosexuals!

princealbertofb Wrote:The dog probably only "does that with you" because you're a new comer and he doesn't know the appropriate way to behave with you yet. He's probably been trained not to behave that way with family members. His sexual desire is probably just a natural urge which needs to be "expressed" so to speak. If there is no outlet for his sexuality, he'll take it out on whoever, or whatever seems a way of fulfilling it. It has nothing to do with the dog behaving homosexually. He'd probably do it to a female visitor just as much if she was a new person for him.

As for you, well, maybe you need to find out how the dog owner feels about same sex relations before you embark on (indulge in) doggy style... eh? Confusedmiley-eating-icecr

Hahahahaha! Doggy style x)!
That was a good one Tongue ...
Aand nope! It seems he only does that to me, girls and other boys already went in the backyard with the dog, and he only stands there to get some pampers! And when i'm there the dog just chase me and do that lol.

Will101 Wrote:Well, once i read about "homosexual animals" and found out that some animals can show homosexual behavior, but they can't BE gay, just show a similar behavior. Aaand that was just an information haha!
The story is this, My crush (not sure if he's gay) has a dog, a German Sheperd . And his dog is always in his back yard and everytime i go to that part of the house . The dog, literally wants to F*CK me. LOL . The dog is big , so he stands in 2 legs and starts to move his "thing" against my leg!! It was soooooo disgusting/cute and embarrassing! My crush has like: O_O dafuck?! (the dog) why the hell he does that? And i was like: :$ :$ get him off! And then he and his sister started to laugh! It was funny for a moment xP. The interesting thing is that the dog is a male, of course. And he only does "that" with me! And no other... I wish that the owner would want that and not the dog! Lol hahaha...

Every dog I've ever seen must be gay then, because every dog does that with everyone's leg gurl :3

True. Animals can be gay too.

I had three male cats. Yellow, black, and white-grey one. The yellow one is fond of the black one. They were always together and slept together. The yellow used to be on top of the black one, and he got a boner! But he could not penetrate since the partner was also a male. Knowing this, the black one tended to avoid him.

I then tried to test the yellow with the white-grey (which was the most handsome among the three). The yellow always stared at him for a long time. Then I blocked his vision with a paper, and he shouted, like angry, then searched a way to stare again at the white-grey one.

This is funny. Too bad I don't have any documentation about this.

Sylph Wrote:Well stated Princely and in addition to your first statement, this is also a sign of dominance. By doing this, he must either being trying to assert it over you or feels you are more submissive and will again assert it because he knows he can. Many hierarchal animals such as Wolves, Hyenas and Lions often do this. Noticeable mostly in the Canid family.

But other animals such as Finch's, Love Birds, Parrots, and other creatures that are pair or monogamously oriented have been known to same sex bond/pair up, so in this instance this raises many questions, most commonly; why?

Such as the Penguin Pair Princey mentioned, they were a conundrum for a long time and have been tried to be split up to no avail until I believe recently.

But being a creature of habit, routine and observance, humans watch and learn and its my belief early people had to have seen this and incorporated this into their lifestyles, as you may be born Gay but you aren't born sexual, so this had to have been a trigger.

And the opposite could have occurred, with people making oppositions to this, as the likelihood is more rare and so assumed opposite sex pairings were the only ones and ran with it, with this most evident throughout history.

Along with being creatures of Habit and Observance, we ate also creatures of Vanity and so make things how we view them to be the only way to view them, so the fact that people assume Animals cannot be gay or that it's wrong for them to be shows complete and utter ignorance and lack of understanding on their part, because Animals are more atuned to nature than we are unfortunately, so they of all beings would know what is right and wrong.

And As for the humping dog, I would personally either put up a barrier with my hands before he even gets moving toward me to show I am not to be assaulted, but to be approached or align yourself with his owner, whether it be standing near or above him, to show the dog that his owner is equal or even somewhat below you in rank and that he is not to disrespect you.

Or just tell the guy to put his dog away if it bothers you/doesn't stop.


Wow! As always i looooove your answers!! QueenOdi Smile

I think ur right in all you've said... And it doesn't really bothers me cuz we don't go to the backyard soooo much. But when we go , we let the dog do it so we can have some laughs lol cuz it is really funny x) , i should record it!! Hahaha... But the dog it's well-trained ! And that submissive part its so right Smile i always try to show myself that way, so dogs ( or people x) ) couldn't see me as a danger haha Tongue

MisterTinkles Wrote:There are animals who perfer the same sex animal. If that makes them "gay", then so be it.

But for "humping your leg", this is something dogs just do. Both male and female.

There are many reasons that dogs do this, some are sexual, some are not.

In this case, I believe either the dog has never received obedience training or he is showing you that you are on HIS property, and he wants you to KNOW it.

Some dogs can be VERY territorial, and will show it by physical actions towards visitors or strangers to their homes.

I would suggest to you, next time you go over, before the dog has a chance to mount you....give him a treat of some kind. This will usually show the dog that you mean no harm to his family and you are no threat to him/her.

If the dog continues to do it, then I would suggest to tell your bf to train the dog or keep it leashed someplace when you come over.

Amazing Information! Big Grin
And yeeah, it is so true too... That territorial part ! But he's a nice dog Tongue and it's well-trained i always give him some love < 3 haha...

Everybodys had there leg humped by a dog before, dont make em gay, i used to always get done by a doberman of a friends that had his family in fits of laughter everytime cause apparantly it only happened to me. Like people said there's Gay animal though I doubt they know there Gay, they don't worry about society accepting them, yeah that dog fucked your leg, point being its probably also fucked a sofa leg at some point in time.


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