Yep, wet shavings the way for me! I have a sensitive neck, but find if I use a new blade each time and gilette sesitive shaving gel it's ok. Also running the blade under cold water makes the metal contract and you get a closer shave.
I'd be intrested to know of a really decent electric shaver though, blades and gel are quite expensive.
Water and razor, simple as that. Yeah, I don't have sensitive skin, so I'm fine. I've never cut myself either.... wonder what the deal is? Of course, I am very familiar with sharp objects, you can find them all around my room. I've got numerous swords, knives, and even this fancy sharpened spoon. They're all very shiny as well.
Just out of intrest, what are the uses of a sharpened spoon?
LOL, I didn't think of that... Handy!
Haha! Yeah, totally! Nah, I just got bored one day and sharpened a spoon.