Had to be Germans...however different Austro-Germans are..
Oh I'm all for a good represive control of people's nasty public behaviors...as long as the kissing part is not about targeting gays, sure.
I hate loud speakers whether on the phone or live, and people who laugh too loudly all the time, I hate smelly foods in a closed environment, and not that I don't enjoy watching people showing some sweet love but poeple who seems to be sucking each other souls and exchanging large amounts of spit...that grosses me out...
Pink News seems to be trying to create a gay issue where there isn't one.
Now if the ban on PDAs is enforced unevenly, that would be different.
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There is a point where kissing becomes sexualized. That type of kissing is better left in the bedroom or some other private place where the public isn't likely to witness it.
In my day, it was called "making out" and we reserved that type of kissing for special places. Like, inside a house or in a car at night time,, or on a park bench in a secluded section of the park at night, or behind the bushes, or in a rundown vacant building, or in an alley behind the garbage cans,, or,,, or,,, or,,, Holy Donuts!!! I sound like a Street Walking SLUT!!!!