Posts: 3,163
Threads: 1,916
Joined: Oct 2002
I'm a : Gay Man in a Monogamous Gay Relationship
Big congratulations to
Vigilias for reaching the posting milestone of 500 posts today! WELL DONE! :-)
Thanks for all your great contributions so far and hope you continue to enjoy using the site and being part of our GS community.
Catch up with you soon,
Andy x
(PS: This is an automated message)
Note: No trees were destroyed in the sending of this contaminant free message. However, I do concede, a significant number of electrons may have been inconvenienced.
woohoo halfway to the rainbow
500 posts...
Great, but what do I get?
Wings perhaps.
I don't want immortality, I can see the way this world is going and I don't want to stick around any longer than I have to.
Maybe something to keep bitch-cat off the stairs at 6am. I've tried obstacles and even a long length of aluminium foil - I was told they (cats) HATE walking on that stuff and will go to lengths to avoid it. She simply tunneled under it. The guy who came to service the gas boiler thought I was as mad as cheese!
I dunno, perhaps I'll settle for the ability to banish trolls and to instantly put a wall of words into proper paragraph format.
Ah well, Blessed be.
(PS: This is not an automated message)
As an old friend and poster of lots in a former forum, let me congratulate you here too, Vigilias.
Rainbow C o n g r a t u lations!!!
Rainbow Co n g r a t u lations!!!
RainbowC o n g r a t ula tions!!!
Rainbow Co n g r a tula t ions!!!
Rainbow C o n g r atulat i o ns!!!
Rainbow C o n g r atula tio ns!!!
Rainbow C o n g r a tulation s!!!