10-13-2013, 12:46 AM
Quote:I am more afraid of dying than I am of being dead. Maybe I should fear the latter more, maybe not, or maybe I should not fear either of them.
I do not care for an afterlife. If Christianity or Islam were true, I would choose to burn in Hell forever. I lack the fantasy to imagine this scenario and don't suspect this will be the case, and as such I can't say this makes me brave.
To me, every day is another day I come closer to death. Oblivion is my fate, and it is oblivious to what I think or feel of it.
In a way, I already have been dead. In the words of Vladimir Nabokov:
"The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness. Although the two are identical twins, man, as a rule, views the prenatal abyss with more calm than the one he is heading for (at some forty-five hundred heartbeats an hour)."
- - Nabokov, Vladimir. (1951). Speak, Memory: A Memoir.
I have some fear of death, but I have much more worry for the despair a premature death of mine would cause for my mother and brothers.
If I was in a scenario where my sacrifice would be conciliatory to the life of someone more precious than myself, from guilt I think I would not be able to live with myself if I chose mine over the other. I hope that if such a situation falls upon me, I would make the choice to dispose of my life to save the other, thus sparing me a life of regret and shame. Thankfully, I doubt I will ever be in such a situation.
I do not welcome death, and I make healthy choices in my life that will slow aging and prevent accidental bodily harm.
Without death, this entire planet would be overcrowded. If humans could live without dying of old age, at some point many of us would die anyway from starvation due to the lack of resources. If an end to death of old age were possible, I suggest it should only be welcomed if we were prepared to spread throughout the universe, which also may or may not be possible.
I am not sure how many mistakes I may make in my lifetime, so when I am close to death, if I cannot think to myself I made the world better in a microscopic way, I would like to at least think to myself I was a factor for good.
[COLOR="Blue"]Actually, this response is quite astute x.x
I love when I get to learn... it makes me happy :crying-and-sorry-li
However, I want to touch on the Immortality thing briefly.
If we were to be bestowed with Immortality or very long lives, I would only presume that Child Birth would either cease to exist or would be rare or very long in procreative hiatus, i.e taking far longer than 9 Months, so the world would not populate as quickly as one would think, however this is merely speculation.
Otherwise... I have to think about the rest of your post, as it is actually very interesting

I have to wonder though, do people who view death negatively or with trepidation, do so for lack of enjoyment of life?
We obviously like being alive, we're still here after all, however, why would an after life or a rebirth or whatever may or may not happen, be seen as a negative thing?
Rebirth seems to be slightly odd, as being put into another's body is somewhat of a half life, for all involved, as the person whose body you inhabit/exist in would not be their own...
But either way, I find it curious.
I myself am afraid, mostly for the fact that I won't get to learn any more, as to me, learning and knowing things is what gives me joy in life, however, I find the prospect of an after life to be a good thing, as we can become sentinels or whatever else for the generations to follow.
I fail to see the logic or reason to live, if not to have an end result, other than "living the destination", meaning enjoying the ride basically. This is what frustrates me, cause I don't know T^T
Where does our spiritual/kinetic/biological energy go once we've ceased living? Animals have souls and spirits, while different and equal to ours, are there never the less. So there must be a reason we can even comprehend our deaths at all.
Such as the lioness who is too old and knows it's her time to die, would leave the pride, children and all and find a secluded spot to lay down and pass on. How can she know this? This surpasses even biological comprehension, because we know we're going to die, but we can never really know when for certain...
I'm not sure... there's so many theories and possibilities T^T
Dang this Libra in me lol...