vote buying and preferences, so you end up voting for the person you didn't want in government even when you don't vote for them.
Um No.
I'm actually pleased by how this is turning out.
Its a major error on part of the politicians. I hope they are really so out of touch with realities that they keep this shut down going until We The People take to action.
I wouldn't mind watching the beheadings of Congress and Senate on CNN.
We the People need a wake up call, they need to have a situation so intolerable and so protracted and so messed up that they actually get up and do something to put this old Republic back on track.
If things do not change, I fear that the rest of the world is going to get fed up, and thousands of nuclear war heads or not, the rest of the world is going to march and that won't end well for anyone.
This Republican party is killing the Union. It has been allowed to do way too much and allowed to linger far too long. Its time to end it - and if necessary, end those who continually push that sort of agenda.
The Federal Shut down is hurting people - I know, but the truth is when the Fed is open for business it hurts everyone - American and otherwise.
The solution is not more politics. The solution is Le Guillotine - the solution is real revolution, not petty mouthing and voting. We The people need to send a clear message that there is a zero tolerance policy for its politicians.
We the people used the vote, We voted a Black man into office, we voted in a Democratic Majority and still STILL the Republicans play their games.
Clearly voting does not work.
I think the politicians are avoiding the elephant in the room. The problem is not about voting to raise the debt ceiling. The problem is borrowing and spending more money than the tax payers will ever be able to pay back. They need to stop spending more money than they have.
What happens if we live beyond our means? We wind up with crippling debt and are forced to declare bankruptcy. The same thing is happening to our government but neither side will address it. Instead the Repub's are using it to hold the Dem's captive. They wouldn't be able to do this if the country could stay within it's budget.
I'd also like to point out that state governments are still running. There is no anarchy. The fed's have evolved into creating general guidelines for the states and handling international affairs. I have no problem if they are shut down. They can do less damage if there is nobody there.
That's my two cents anyways.
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And here I thought this was a post on how to get rid of the elected officials