10-09-2013, 01:58 AM
Chase Wrote:Yes ... Yes ... Yes ...
Fools, do you have any idea what you have just done? Now that I have been elected into the rainbow-letter name league, I will use my new rainbow powers to become King of GaySpeak! Earning y'all's trust was so easy, O so easy.
Like Zeus overthrowing Cronus, I will take what is rightfully mine! All hail Chase, King!
My followers: awaken! Arise! Battle stations! Your leader now has infiltrated the ranks of the Rainbow League! Victory shall be mine!
I'm rather interested to hear how you plan to take over...
what state coercitive mechanisms are you going to embrace?
Press manipulation? Psychological terrorism? Supression of democratic liberties? No that's not enough anymore...
what would your counterrevolutionary measures will be like?
Soviet-type gulags? French-type Bastille?
You'll need a paramilitary force, control over conservative elites, centralization of economy..so much to do, so little time..

felicitaciones correspondientes al nuevo integrante del multicromatismo!