In regard to the OP, I have no idea why you are obsessed with Southernness, but I sort of get it. I have high functioning autism and have always become transfixed and obsessed by the weirdest things. Like, when I was a kid, I was obsessed with street signs and maps. I knew how to get ANYWHERE in my surrounding city, and I would sit there and draw maps of places I'd been and draw street views of houses I liked or places I thought were neat. Like, literally, my grandparents would come to town and take me along with them in the car and I could direct them anywhere they wanted to go. This was when I was about six years old. The only difference between you and I is that I don't come onto this board and repeatedly post about my odd obsessions (past and present).
Some people learn to control their afflictions at a different pace and in a different manner due to such circumstances such as support.
most of you who could be supportive have been far from supportive and should be ashamed of yourselves.
"They laughed me out of class, out of town, and out of the state." - Janis Joplin (she was raised in Texas)...
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Joined: Aug 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Mood: least it's better than naming ur child "north" with a last name "west"
oh wait, someone already did that!
Actually, what it is is that I do kind of feel like moving to Arkansas was a mistake because the fact that maybe 10% of people think it's in the Midwest conflicts with my preference that everything be black and white. I constantly assert that Arkansas is in the South to make it absolutely set in stone, which is not how most people view geography. That's what is actually going on psychologically.