Hey, thanks,guys! You all seem really nice.
Welcome, Davis
Med student...excelent  mile:
Don't be so quick to dismiss people's knowledge of Geopolitical Europe
Latvia....that would be the Baltic State bewteen Estonia and Lithuania, Riga would be the capital..
Often the scenario of heavy fighting bewteen Russians and Germans. Nowadays, very much independent and chipper  mile: (I do not know where Ventspils is, though)
That's as much as I can remember. I'm missing stuff, I'm sure.....oh, and I do recall the region or some of it was historically named Courland...
Your English is good  mile:
Wow, welcome Davis! Your English is very good, so you should be proud.
Davis Wrote:Hello guys!
This is my first time on this site so I thought I will say hello to you all. My name is Davis, I am 25 years old and I am from Latvia. I assume some of you might not know this country, as it is not big, but really beautiful.
I am a student, I study medicine and hope to become a doctor one day. I hope my English is good enough and I think I might even improve it here.
I don't really know what else to say, if you want to know something, you can always ask Hi ! And welcome here !
I've been to Riga, it's a nice city !
Well, if your english was too bad, what would have been mine? I would just have to leave this forum lol !
Davis Wrote:Hey, sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I am just used that people who are not Russians or Lithuanians or someone else who's close to us, always ask what is Latvia.I've studied in France for a while and there were people who had never heard the word. But it is really nice that someone far away knows about us
No worries, I wasn't offended, hehehe
I'm glad that we have someone from a country you don't hear about so often...
as for those French....shame on them, If a guy in South America can read a map of Europe so can they...it's amazing how ignorant people can be..
again, welcome to GS  mile:
Finally got around to looking it up – yes, I have a novel manuscript I had been working on set in Latvia/Estonia (along the border / cross over, since the setting is not modern). You will have to forgive me, I couldn’t remember which country, and as it turns out it is, in a way, both. :p
Davis Wrote:Hey, sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I am just used that people who are not Russians or Lithuanians or someone else who's close to us, always ask what is Latvia.I've studied in France for a while and there were people who had never heard the word. But it is really nice that someone far away knows about us
But you know, French people and geography...
Latvia! I'd love to visit the Baltic states... Welcome!
Davis Wrote:Hey, sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I am just used that people who are not Russians or Lithuanians or someone else who's close to us, always ask what is Latvia.I've studied in France for a while and there were people who had never heard the word. But it is really nice that someone far away knows about us
welcome david
relax i have been asked in Miami if we have kangaroos and if we live in houses in
your english is good.chill.