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We want to eliminate malaria, stop deaths in children, eliminate the starving, help us to all live 20 years longer, Catholics and 3rd world want more and more children, ok, I don't disagree with eliminating death and poverty, but....
Can someone tell me where all the people will live, what we will all eat
"You can be young without money but you can't be old without money"
Maggie the Cat from "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." by Tennessee Williams
I think this is a very resourceful website and raises our awareness about issues such as poverty, diseases and crimes.
Thank you for sharing!
What will they eat?
Well actually about 30% of the produce produced in the USA is thrown out from the field because it ain't pretty enough to be sold on store shelves.
The USA feeds something like 60% of the world. Better management of of crop production in the USA alone (meaning not tossing out 30% of the food) would most likely surpass feeding 75% of the world.
I live in California where we produce 55% of the USA's food production (varies depending on the particular food). I drive by 'harvested' fields and am utterly amazed as how much is left in the field after harvest. The ground is nearly completely red from a tomato harvest.
If I was this wasteful in my own garden, I would have to have three times the amount of land to raise all the food I raise.
My primary vegetable plot is 25 feet by 18 feet. (450 square feet) and with succession planting, high intensity planting and the long growing season here I raise about 70% of my food in that garden plot.
That feeds two people.
The problem is not where the food is coming from, the problem is wasteful farming, wasteful end product (harvested food) and then there is the shipping.
Most of the people who are starving in Africa are not starving because of a lack of food - the USA sends millions of tons of food to Africa - the problem is local government is pirates/dictatorships or in civil unrest and unwilling/unable to move that food from ports to where it is needed.
If every suburban family had a small garden similar to my own, assuming they are on average a family of 4, they can readily raise 40% of their food. That means that the USA could comfortably send the mass farmed food it raises elsewhere into the world and most likley with what suburbanite stop eating from the farms, coupled with less waste the USA could feed well over the current world's population.
Poverty - this is a figment of the imagination of Free Capitalist Economy which is not economic at all. Any economy that insists that everything has a planned breaking date, or needs to be replaced every two years is not economic - it is wasteful, horrendously wasteful of resources.
It is a system that does not work. The Great Depression demonstrated that, every single bubble and depression and recession (including this current depression) demonstrates that Free Capitalism does NOT work. Inflation is a sign it does not work.
A system that designed to have to have perpetual growth must fail. Its a maths problem, a problem of exponential numbers - perpetual growth at even 1% ultimately hits a wall.
And we don't even have a resource problem. Each night billions of human beings look up in the sky and see a huge mineral deposit glowing in the night sky. The Moon has so many materials and is so easy to actually mine that we can sustain ten billion people with all of the mineral and metal resources they need for 500 years.
And yes it is easy. IF we got to the moon on 1960's technology, we can get there now with 21st century technology. Launching shit from the moon is easier than launching shit from earth. Maglev -rail is sufficient enough to impart sufficient velocity to any item to throw it off the moon into orbit - a little more energy and it can be thrown into a low energy trajectory which means it can be thrown into Earth orbit.
It is the politicians who are so busy preserving their careers who flat refuse to dedicate our modern society to a long term investment that would pay off for at least 500 years. It is politicians and a Free Market System (which doesn't work) that stymies human growth.
Humanity already has the technology to turn 80% of the work over to machines. 80% of the working population does not need to be doing what they are doing. It is the free market system which hampers humanity, and keeps 80% of humanity slaves to the Machine.
Poverty is a made-up make believe problem that is an outgrowth of a broken economic system that is centuries out of date with our modern understanding of resources, wealth and how to move things about.
The problem is not how many people are on earth, the problem is that those who sit in power are too busy tending their own wallets and keeping a broken system going so they can have theirs and screw the rest of humanity.
An early memory of mine is exploring the contents of my parents' desk at home. Somewhere under the sheets of carbon paper (look it up, youngsters) was a sheet of adhesive seals (like postage stamps with no value) with a cartoon bomb and the text "The population bomb is ticking". That was 40+ years ago.
These came from a fundraising campaign of an organization promoting the idea that we were approaching the Earth's carrying capacity then. I agree that the planet is already over-populated, but we will find ways to feed most of us. The US wastes much of its agricultural land growing soy and corn, crops with little nutritional value. During WWII, people were encouraged to have "victory gardens" at home. Many did. Soon we may be calling these "survival gardens".
I love my garden and fruit trees. I don't have a farm by any stretch of the imagination. I grow enough to supplement my own needs and share with friends.
Waste disposal, energy production and pollution will be concerns before food production. Look at China's air and water pollution issues now. Similar to those in the USA 40 years ago. Eventually we will wake up to learning as a species and working together with a long range perspective. Or not... and nothing will matter anymore. I choose unrealistic optimism with realistic action.