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Fabulous "Gurls" of the Day Thread
Wagwaan Gurls, so being inspired by my Sista and gurl Miss Silver, I've so inclined to feel the need so to share my own little spin off or variation of her threads, and do a "My Favourite "Gurl's" Thread Wink

A small note of sorts before we begin;
First of all; you don't gotta play video games, talk gruff or have a low voice, wear pants, have facial hair, crop your hair, spit and piss on every fucking thing, talk about your dick 24/7, wanna have sex 7 times a day, like sports, drink beer out your eyes, talk about cars and bikes, do construction, or any other thing Men feel as though makes them men and makes anyone who doesn't find these things interesting or desirable or even possible to be anti-man.

So if you don't like what you consider to be "Anti-man", which is essentially woman if you think about it, but in this specific sense, Feminine Males or Males more in tuned with their Femininity, then you're promptly allowed to leave and leave with any snarky, piss ass remarks about what you don't like and find unappealing, leave your comments and opinons, but don't be a dick. I and others happen to like this facet of life and would greatly appreciate not having to read and put up with bull shit Sheep

And also, this is not just Drag Queens, for the record, so don't assume because you see a feminine man or a man in women's apparel, that he is a Drag Queen. Sheep

First off, we need to start Bad Ass completely and then see where the flow takes us Imu2

Gurls and Gentleladies, our theme music for the evening;


Andrej Pejic <3

[Image: andrej-pejic-andrej-pejic-35634874-800-1200.jpg]

[Image: Andrej-Pejic-The-Model-Wall-Ftape_02.jpg]

[Image: 530698-andrej-pejic.gif]

[Image: andrej-pejic-model-pic-catwalk-1669763733.jpg]

[Image: beautyhunterAndrej%2BPejic.jpg]

And now that the king of Androgyny has spoken, let's move on to all the other wonderful fabulous gurls. lol

[Image: stav-300x383.png]

[Image: xthe-face-male-model-scene.jpeg.pagespee...sFOJdu.jpg]

[Image: Gil++(3).jpg]

[Image: 1312328175871471.jpg]

[Image: Andrew+Semuel++(1).jpg]

[Image: tumblr_mhrthlbLJ31qfcv5ro1_1280.jpg]

[Image: Yohio-Japan3.jpg]

[Image: Alexander+Bekker+%252813%2529.jpg]

[Image: 1870_20120922080824phpngHy6i.jpg]

And for the closer if you're still viewing the models or would like to review them again <3

Gurls and Gentleladies, that ends our show for this post, but there will be more as time progresses and will hope to see like minded folk and appreciators alike. And to also see other's favourite models, will also be favourable as well.

Commence the most Fucking Fabulous ass show of our lives!
*Throws scarf over shoulder and sashays out the big french double doors and looks back*

And remember, Stay pretty, Everyone Dazzler1


[Image: 6957110149_e25fcd7120.jpg]

Sylph Wrote:leave your comments and opinons, but don't be a dick.

I just gotta point out, Sylphie, that as a put-down you chose the one thing that -- more than anything else you mentioned -- DOES "make us men."

Thanks for a new and inspiring thread of beauty Smile

I like this thread

They are so beautiful . . .

Geminize Wrote:I just gotta point out, Sylphie, that as a put-down you chose the one thing that -- more than anything else you mentioned -- DOES "make us men."

Thanks for a new and inspiring thread of beauty Smile

I was gonna say douche' but, you know, more female empowerment Wink

you're welcome darling. I hope this time more people can appreciate all ways of expression of ones self, even while being male.

I'm tired of not seeing myself represented in a community supposedly for everyone Hypnotized-smiley


So beautiful and gorgeous!! What else can I say Smile
And I thought I could post something here too, so how about ah so beautiful Mana:

[Image: malice-mizer-288--large-msg-122219976536.jpg]

[Image: 607097aozhrg5o7j.jpg]

[Image: mana3_32837673.jpg]

SilverFrost Wrote:So beautiful and gorgeous!! What else can I say Smile
And I thought I could post something here too, so how about ah so beautiful Mana:

[Image: malice.jpg]

[Image: 607097aozhrg5o7j.jpg]

[Image: mana3_32837673.jpg]

Omg, he's just fabulous darling :O . It would've been a shame not to post him up Im-blushing-smiley

Something for you Sylph from Finland:

Ville Ruuska, model

[Image: villapaita.jpg]

[Image: mustissa.jpg]

[Image: karvaliivi.jpg]

Keep em coming ClapClapClapClapClap

Mana IS GOD.
But he needs to do something with the Malice Mizer...

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