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The fog is rolling in
My name is John Marren. God bless me, I am still a pagan and consider the whole planet to be my church. I never have been a member of an organized religion. Religions start wars and promote hate. I like being gay and considered it a moral and ethically correct way to spend my time. I was a damn fine exhibitionist from age 10 to 35.

My Godparents were Joe and Rose Kennedy. I liked both of them. Why is my picture so popular at the Kennedy compound? I am the cute blond haired boy who asked Jack to take me sailing in 1949. I informed Jack that I was a nude marine and the world would be safer if we all became nudists. No one can hide weapons when they have no clothes on. I have no weapons or clothes on me right now. I told him my best friend, Tommie Mullins, was sailing towards Boston from South Hampton. He will be the nude marine in charge of David Merrick's yacht. Tommie will be a star on Broadway someday. Tommie looks like my identical brother.

Why did my mom, Catherine, Margaret and I leave the compound? Catherine was kicked out because she brutally beat the children of the neighbors. I thought I was the only kid being beaten by Catherine. She believed in equality and beat all people smaller or weaker than she was. At 74, Catherine is still the same. Margaret was caught stealing Rose's jewelry. She just died after stealing everything she could get her hands on. She was funny but a total kleptomaniac. How she got away with not being prosecuted is something I can't guess. How my relatives have stayed out of prison qualifies as a miracle.

I met Jackie Kennedy at Corpus Christi at 4. Jackie brought Jack because she wanted to get married at that church. Jackie was told by my mom how beautiful that church was. I agreed. I introduced them to my friend Tommie Mullins. Jackie knelt down and cooed "Jack, John and Tommie look like identical twins" We agreed. "We feel like identical twins." They both l laughed. Jackie told Jack that her grandmother's sister was a telepath. She was amazed we were telepaths. So was Jack. They started to laugh when I would start a sentence and Tommie would complete it. Jackie said we were adorable little boys and she hoped she had 2 boys like us. Blonds with big grins.

Tommie told me a few weeks ago that he was murdered by my sister in 1959. I cringed and apologized. Tommie grinned and reminded me he was in heaven. He apologized to me and said Catherine had been judged and was going to hell the moment she died. "Do you feel sad about that, John?" "Not a bit. Catherine made her own choices. She lived like a very rich woman who despised virtually everyone, particularly me. I was gay. I loved animals. I loved to read books. I gave money to charity. Catherine says that is proof of mental illness. I felt so happy being with guys, pets and books, I still wake up feeling cheerful. I look forward to doing Tai chi and maintaining my health. I have NEVER seen Catherine experience joy or love in her life. She thinks all sex is disgusting and should be banned by law. Don't forget, she despises straight people, too. Catherine is egalitarian. She hates you even though she has never seen you. She hated me since birth because I was a cute baby. Jeepers, I never thought I had to apologize for being a cute baby."

I thought Tommie died from leukemia. I went to his wake alone at 13. I told Tommie's parents that he was in heaven. I asked to see all the photos of Tommie and me and explained to his mom what Tommie and I were thinking about when she took the photos. I delivered his eulogy. I went up and down every aisle and told them why Tommie and I loved them. At the cemetery, I held onto his parents and said Tommie was waiting for us in heaven.

"John, I wanted to kiss you after the burial. My mom was telling my dad that she would commit suicide without me. You seemed like my identical twin and repeated everything we thought about everyone. Mom became convinced that I was still alive and living in your body. She relaxed and became happy again. Don't forget, our parents are in heaven and having a good time with their friends. The Kennedys' are here. All my dad's show biz people are here. Heaven is lively and a fun place to be. You can be any age. You can live any place on the planet. You can go back in time and visit other cultures and people.

I still like democracy, John. It's a shame Americans don't give a shit about who they vote for. Maybe they will surprise us and vote for people who like Americans. Most people think we are curious and bright. Then the politicians speak and everyone loves terrorists.

Do you listen to Michele Bachmann? She makes Anita Bryant seem polite. I'm surprised the right wing doesn't send AIDS to gay guys. They are giving seniors placebos and committing Medicare fraud by the billions. They won't leave a dime for the future. The oligarchy is swallowing the planet and Putin beats gays to death and gets wined and dined by Obama. Jack would never have invited him to the White House. He and Jackie liked us."

I was asked to the White House after Jack and Jackie moved in. Jack talked to me about losing my virginity to Jimmy Joseph. Jimmy's great great grandfather was Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce Indian tribe of Idaho. Both of us became peaceful and stopped shooting rifles and guns constantly. We preferred to use our hands on each other than pulling a trigger. I was an exquisitely well trained sniper by the age of 10. I had been taught telepathically how to fight. My training is still there but I seldom use it anymore. I never killed anyone. Never started a fight..

Lost a lot of friends to AIDS and Vietnam. Of the 40 or so boys who gave me their virginity, over 30 got married and had children. I consider those guys a victory for homophiles like myself. One guy, Mark, who is now 65,told his 2 grandsons he hoped they enlisted in the marines and lose their virginity at Camp LeJeune to a nice guy like John Marren. You are welcome Mark. I was glad to be the first person you had sex with. Glad you are still happily married and enjoyed your life like I did. His gorgeous wife lucked out when she got him to propose.

Being a pagan, I wanted to look back on my life and take pride in the relationships I fostered. The longest love affair I know of was between 2 lesbians I adored in grammar school. Kathleen and Barbara still live happily together in the Bronx. Kathleen would have made a real tough guy and Barbara was so feminine she was great to see. They worked their entire lives helping poor and middle class families find affordable housing in NYC.

Personally, I love having 2 dead friends visit me. All ghosts are welcome in my house. To gain visitation rights, you have to save the other persons life while they were alive. I lucked out. I saved over 50 lives during my life. I was fearless and too stupid to realize I was risking my life by jumping in front of subways, running into burning buildings or jumping into whirlpools in the East River. I assumed I would survive and since I am typing this I did survive a few risks. Nice feeling.

I reminded Jack [I called him Mr. President in front of the Cabinet] that I went around the Heights demanding an answer to this question. "Don't ask what your neighbors can do for you, ask what you can do for your neighbor." I told Jack that he stole his inauguration speech from me. Jack said he did not. He was horrified I started a sentence with a contraction. I said "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Jackie was horrified. "Your a skunk, Jack, you should pay John for writing your best line."

"Jackie, your husband demanded I child proof the Oval Office so Caroline didn't break anything. I did it and he didn't offer to pay for that." Jack said "I will give you lunch in the White house for free.." "Jack is such a good sport, Jackie. Does he make you pay for lunch? Jack is one cheap bastard."

Jack smiled. "I have some work to do. Go annoy Jackie. She is trying to memorize a tour of the White House for CBS."

We left the Oval Office. I complimented Jackie on how she was dressed. "American women will enjoy seeing you in an old flannel shirt wearing jeans. You will be dressed just like they dress. BUT, Jackie, lose those ugly slippers with ducks on them. People will think you stole those slippers from Caroline. Wear boots with jeans."
"John, that exactly what I told Jack. He insists I should do the tour wearing a gown."
"Good Jesus, Jackie, Jack has no common sense. You will get a reputation for being rich if you constantly wear fancy clothes."
"Thank God, designers give me clothes for free. God help us if we ever have to pay for something. Jack is a soft touch just like you. He will give you his last ten dollars and leave with a big grin."
"It feels good to be generous, Jackie."
"How much did you give to the pound on 91st St?"
"About fifty thousand but I really like animals a lot."
"So do I. How did your parents feel about giving that much to the ASPCA."
"They were thrilled. My parents love animals as much as I do."

"John, why don't you go to prep school here in Washington. Jack can get you a scholarship. We can get you an internship at the Library of Congress. No one at the Library will care if you love boys. Congressmen put their gay kids at the library. As long as you do nothing obvious, no one will even think you are gay. Live at the White House. I would love to have you as Caroline's older brother. I also think I may want to get pregnant again. It would be fun for Jack and I having you live here with us. You understand Jack's sexual problems and he knows you will never embarrass him or me. The goddamn Secret Service are nasty gossips. If Caroline sneezes, reporters are told she has pneumonia and is near death. John, the Secret Service is afraid of you. That is why the White House is empty today.

John, do me a favor. Your the best sniper in the family. Shoot all the plates in the cabinets and shoot down those awful chandeliers. This place has such enormous history, we feel embarrassed to take showers. I hate how those agents look in on us when Jack and I are in bed. They say they must for our security. If they saw us doing anything, they will take pictures and sell them to the media. Everyone wants to own a piece of Camelot. I hate it, John. I'm sorry I let Jack run. Being a senator's wife was fun and we had control over where we lived. I can't even make a peanut butter sandwich without a special request to the Secret Service. God, I hate living here..

The Service is very afraid of you and so is Bobby. Bobby is such a nosy bastard. Don't tell Jack but I can't stand Bobby. I want to wring his neck with those rosary beads he carries. It's bad enough the pope claims to be infallible. Bobby thinks he's infallible because he always has his head up some bishop's ass. Thank God, your a pagan and don't judge others.

Can I ask you some personal questions, John?"

"Sure. Go ahead."
"Do you ever feel attracted to girls?"
"As people, yes. I have never had an erection looking at girls."
"Have you seen men have intercourse with women?"
"Lots of times. I feel indifferent. I guess they enjoy it. But I don't want to watch. I would prefer to read a good book."
"Do you find Jack sexually attractive?"
"No, I like boys my own age for sex. I do like to look at men of all ages. Men seem more handsome to me."
"John, some girls in the Heights adore you. You are a very cute boy and seem so well educated and well dressed."
"This will sound awful. I adore myself. I am easy going and generous towards others because I like myself. I have nothing to prove. I don't feel fear. I don't care about money. I don't feel greedy or envious. I don't think I brag too much. The one sin that bothers me is violence. I have such a lousy temper, it actually scares me. I have always maintained control by taking 5 deep breaths and ask God to give me the strength to control my anger. It seems to work. I intend to keep doing that. The pause is helpful because I can review my options. There is almost always a non violent option."
"That's what I thought about you. You feel indifferent to Jack;s sexual proble
"Half wrong. I love Jack and am not indifferent to him. I am indifferent to his sexual problems. My parents are transgendered which is why I think sex is funny. I laugh a lot when I have sex. Sex looks weird but feels great. I have always liked guys my own age. I don't feel excited looking at Jack. He's good looking and I can tell the two of you are madly in love."
"How do you know that?"
"I wouldn't be much of a telepath if I couldn't feel or see love between people. It sticks out like a sore thumb. I also am great at spotting impending break ups. You can almost smell when two people are sick of each other."

Jack walks in. "Are you conspiring with Jackie to take over my administration, John?"
"No. Dick Nixon asked me to clean your make up off with steel wool. He said you made him look like a geek in the debate. Offered me $50 to put ten bullet holes in you."
"John, you said you would handle our wedding for $50 cash. You promised that Congressman Bill Ryan would be my best man. You said you would not tell your godfather that bill was a communist. My dad doesn't like communists. Besides, you said you liked robber barons like Andrew Carnegie."
"Carnegie built a lot more libraries than the feds did. Prohibition made the Irish rich. Then, we had fun prosecuting Italians like Al Capone and convincing Americans we were nice guys. Jack, is there any chance I can get J. Edgar Hoover to lend me one of his dresses. I heard he had a closet full of nude pictures of me."
"Jesus Christ, where did you hear that?"
"Didn't hear it, Jack. An FBI agent with a guilty look on his face was thinking of those nude photos of me."
"Trust me, John, if Bobby gets his hands on that, Hoover will sing a new tune for the Kennedy's. Did you actually see them?"
"Yeah, that friend Clive was thinking of those photos. I sat behind him in a diner."
"How many peoples minds have you read?"
"Quite a few but my mind reading gets weaker as I get older. As a small child I knew what everyone was thinking but it almost always made no sense. It was mostly about sex which was meaningless to me. Just nude people climbing all over each other. Now I know what I am looking at. But I prefer to think about my own sex life. Most people are boring when they think of sex. They just seem to have the same masturbation fantasy over and over, like Hoover. He thinks I have a real cute ass. I know that about him. How come the government doesn't employ telepaths."
"They do, John, but they won't employ you. You are one guy who is self employed. No one believes they can control you so they avoid you. That's why the agents take so many photos of you,"
"Jack, if I moved to Washington, they will kill me. Most of these bureaucrats have minds like garbage cans. I can usually find a way in in less than an hour. They are afraid of me. On the other hand, these guys don't have an intelligent or creative thought worth knowing. They spend a lot of money trying to find out what I am thinking about, I pray I don't ever find these people interesting. They live in a place that would bore the mind of a smart chimp. Now, what excuse do you have for hiring chimps?"
"You are one arrogant bastard, John. Who gives you the right to criticize them?"
"You did. You said you want your Cabinet to get a look at me. You said it may be time for the government to reexamine its policies towards hiring queers like me. What makes you think I work for you. I am a citizen and I pay your salary, Congress' salary and every chimp in Washington's salary. You guys work for me. I am the telepath in this room. Why don't you ask me to evaluate the loyalty of your Cabinet. That's the work I did for my Uncle John in NY. I made $6000 a week. I got well paid for my advice and my uncle made a lot more than I did. You offer me free room and board and expect me to be acceptable to them. What makes you think they are acceptable to me. You said you value my opinions. Quite frankly, you are a more egotistical bastard than me. Want to know my exact opinion of you. I bet you don't. I bet you get killed for the same reason they would kill me. They don't want a space program or a peace corps, they want to steal the goddamn treasury from under the noses of Americans. I don't believe you have the guts to stop them. If you try, you will have a very short life expectancy."
"John, stop shouting. You are waking Caroline up."
"Sorry, Jackie"
"John, what would you do to protect me different than the Secret Service."
"I would fire the Secret Service in a heartbeat. They are a machine like any other government machine, they will protect themselves at all costs. You are expendable. Their agency is not. The agency pays their salaries, benefits and pensions. You are a good looking guy in the Oval Office. If you survive to a second term, they will say they should be thanked. If you die, they will look for a fall guy to pin it on. They will tell everyone your family was at fault. They will paint you as a womanizer or something. People will told to feel lousy about you and your Administration. It's all such bullshit, Jack. No one even cares what happens. They want money and nothing else. Look sexy and promise them security and they will vote for you."

If you are curious as to who killed Jack, I don't have the answer. I hung out the window of the Book Depository in Dallas holding a copy of Oswald's rifle. It was a piece of junk and did not have a telescopic scope. The primary shooter was on the grassy knoll. The guy that was barely investigated was Jack Ruby. He went to Dallas intent on shooting Oswald. So he knew Oswald would be fingered and brought to that station house. He was allowed in with a weapon on him. Jack Ruby was at Yeshiva University before the shooting. Why he was there is not known to me. I lived on 177th St. My Uncle John Gilhooly was dead before Jack. He lived on 185th St. Yeshiva University was on 185th St.

I still wonder why I or my family were not questioned. My older sister Catherine was 24. Her cousin was Theresa Gilhooly was 26. They both dated Jewish guys around that time. My cousin Johnny Gilhooly was 24. He employed snipers like me. For reasons known only to God and the self serving lying bastards in the FBI and the Secret Service, we were never questioned. Given my skills as a sniper, I should have been called in for questioning. No one was. They took took thousands of photos but never asked us any questions. If I was in charge of the investigation, every member of my family should have been a 'person of interest'. Good news for me, I was in Spanish class at prep school. I had an alibi. My sister and cousin said they were in New Orleans. An easy drive to Dallas. My cousin Johnny was throwing money around like it was water. He was the laziest son of a bitch I ever saw. My Uncle John despised my sister and his 2 kids. He said they were useless and could be bought like every cheap whoremaster in NY.

Now I don't know what everyone else saw but I witnessed the complete takeover of the US economy by a small number of people called the oligarchy, Every year Americans get poorer and the rich get richer. As I tell my friends, the FOG is rolling in [Fundamentalist Occupation Government].

Life is grand when you see your country and planet being run by a band of religious sociopaths who can't wait to see us die.

Hurry, the FOG is coming to your neck of the woods.

[Image: memetldr.jpg?resize=450%2C363]

Just sayin...


According to some of the lawyers I have talked too, and one secretary of a political figure.......the USA has been under "mafia style" rule since the 1950's.

So, there hasnt been any hope for us, even when JFK was in office. I mean, come on.....look what they did to him and Marilyn.

gilhooly Wrote:Now I don't know what everyone else saw but I witnessed the complete takeover of the US economy by a small number of people called the oligarchy, Every year Americans get poorer and the rich get richer. As I tell my friends, the FOG is rolling in [Fundamentalist Occupation Government].

Life is grand when you see your country and planet being run by a band of religious sociopaths who can't wait to see us die..

Interesting bit of story...

now about the quote..

what could possibly be news about this?..

hasn't this been the case since.......always? Everywhere?

really, I don't know which world everyone else lives in, but a ruling elite comprised of a small percentage of wealthy people that runs the destinies of a whole nation, has always been there in every single place in the world..

and people have been killing each other everywhere since always on account that the other doesn't believe in what they believe in...


No period in world history has been as violent as it has beeb since the mid 19th century until now, The Civil War in America, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam. Guess what. More people were killed in Chile during that period. If you go back to the 18th century in Europe, North or South America we seem almost peaceful by comparison. Fights are fought between groups of men with little or no weapons. We now fight with rifles, tanks and planes. No comparison. Probably one hundred million were killed since 1861.

We are far more violent, more likely to rape, and we insult each other on a level that most poor people would find embarrassing. I think we are a lot less human. We adore ourselves but we seldom think of others. The rich get richer and the middle class doesn't give a dime to charity. My family says I was mentally ill because I gave $50,000 to the animal pound in NYC by the age of 14. I smiled and said I really liked animals and I hated cruelty towards animals. My cousins regularly ran over animals because they were in the way of their very expensive cars.
They made fun of me because I drove a small hatchback with a 5 speed stick. They sat in limousines and despised poor kids in NYC. They ruled Wall St and they knew they were superior to everyone in Chile.
I still pray for a return to pagan values where every person has a right to live with dignity. We can afford it. BUT you need good leadership who tell you everyday to consider people less fortunate than you are.
In many ways, Chile has a better health care system than the US. The US has perfect care for the rich but God help poor people with obesity, diabetes or high blood pressure. We have no screening programs for the poor and middle class. If you are rich, an underpaid nurse drives to your house and will feed or bathe you. If you are poor, you are told to Drop Dead and get off the welfare lines.

By the way, I earned my pension as a university librarian. Pay was lousy but I loved books since the age of 3. I loved boys, books and animals. I loved my life. I had great times with all of them. The oldest stable relationship is between Kathleen and Barbara. As lesbians they took the same shit I was served and they are still hopelessly in love. God bless gays and lesbians, straights should be as intelligent as we are. They wouldn't have so many abortions and divorces if they learned to love their own bodies.

gilhooly Wrote:southbiochem:

No period in world history has been as violent as it has beeb since the mid 19th century until now, The Civil War in America, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam. Guess what. More people were killed in Chile during that period. If you go back to the 18th century in Europe, North or South America we seem almost peaceful by comparison. Fights are fought between groups of men with little or no weapons. We now fight with rifles, tanks and planes. No comparison. Probably one hundred million were killed since 1861.

We are far more violent, more likely to rape, and we insult each other on a level that most poor people would find embarrassing. I think we are a lot less human. We adore ourselves but we seldom think of others. The rich get richer and the middle class doesn't give a dime to charity. My family says I was mentally ill because I gave $50,000 to the animal pound in NYC by the age of 14. I smiled and said I really liked animals and I hated cruelty towards animals. My cousins regularly ran over animals because they were in the way of their very expensive cars.
They made fun of me because I drove a small hatchback with a 5 speed stick. They sat in limousines and despised poor kids in NYC. They ruled Wall St and they knew they were superior to everyone in Chile.
I still pray for a return to pagan values where every person has a right to live with dignity. We can afford it. BUT you need good leadership who tell you everyday to consider people less fortunate than you are.
In many ways, Chile has a better health care system than the US. The US has perfect care for the rich but God help poor people with obesity, diabetes or high blood pressure. We have no screening programs for the poor and middle class. If you are rich, an underpaid nurse drives to your house and will feed or bathe you. If you are poor, you are told to Drop Dead and get off the welfare lines.

By the way, I earned my pension as a university librarian. Pay was lousy but I loved books since the age of 3. I loved boys, books and animals. I loved my life. I had great times with all of them. The oldest stable relationship is between Kathleen and Barbara. As lesbians they took the same shit I was served and they are still hopelessly in love. God bless gays and lesbians, straights should be as intelligent as we are. They wouldn't have so many abortions and divorces if they learned to love their own bodies.

True, century number 20 was bloody as all hell.

(As for Chile I'm not sure, Chile only fought wars in the 19th century, one of independence, 2 against a Peru/Bolivia Alliance, 1 against Spain yet again and a Civil War....I'm pretty sure more died back then than they have now....of course the Pinochet regime did a good job in rising the death toll in the 70s)

True to all you have said, my sole point is that the overall scheme of things has not changed dramatically since the first civillizations: a ruling wealthy elite gets even wealthier at the expense of the "lower classes"..they just have different systems over time to do so..yesterday they had aristocracy, royalty,"the right of blood" now it's capitalism, "the right of money"..

Chile may have better healthcare than the US (albeit a flawed healthcare) but we don't fall far from the overall scheme:

a mere 5 rich families take a high percentage of incomes while the bit left is scattered bewteen the rest of the populace..

sure, social policies since 1990 have lessened poverty a great deal, but inequality it's still there..

overall, there's nothing new to this world...politics in any times any place, those with money, big companies, the ruling elites..will all screw you over and over..

I guess we all have our ways of dealing with this..

you seem to have a good one yourself

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