06-25-2008, 10:32 PM
Smurlos Wrote:All my life I've always used an electric razor. I guess no body showed me how to use a traditional razor and I was afraid of cutting my neck over, plus I got an electric one for xmas when I was 13 or something, so I decided to stick with it.
I never had a father to teach me how to shave, not saying you haven't, I have always had a wet shave, I remember when I was younger I was awful, I guess practise makes perfect. I always shave in the bath though (does anyone else do that) I just find it better than at the sink.
I tried dry shaving but just never found it as close.......
Gillette Mach 3 I use as well.
Always moisturise after rather than use aftershave (unless going to a posh do)