07-23-2008, 07:15 AM
fjp999 Wrote:Lets see if I got this right?
02-11-1962 = 1975 = 22 = 4
Soul = 4 thus Emperor - Balance & authority, mind over matter, experience & knowledge. Forgiveness is admitting sins. A controlled person who relies on his own intellect. Not easily influenced. Someone who is well respected & holds a position of authority. Can have versatile abilities; important to retain inner balance.
236 = 11
Personality = 11 thus Justice - Someone has investigated the situation concerned & the decision is fair & just. Stick to your guns, dont be influenced by persuasion. You should have learned to do what you feel is best. All things being considered; the right decision has been made.
02-11-2008 = 5
Year = 5 thus Hierophant - Sense of originality. One not afraid of undertaking new ventures or exploring & has an open mind. Possibility of someone who listens to new ideas & programs. Dont be afraid to speak your mind, do what you think is best. Go ahead & have the courage of your convictions. New & refreshing vibrations coming into your life. Openmindedness & frank outlook in life.
So voice, a lot of this makes great sense to me just now... Just wondering what your analysis would be and if you could shed any further light beyond what I am feeling :biggrin: thanks :biggrin:
p.s. gathering that my next year will be the 6 thus the Lovers... can you add that to the mix?
p.p.s. So when doing a reading, I am guessing one would take these cards into consideration. And when doing a reading, such as the Celtic Cross, do you remove those cards? Do you use those three cards as one put into the position of the first card - the card that covers you?
You done good

However I use the Marseilles Tarot and so that's puts a slightly different angle on things. You must be using a Golden Dawn derived deck or perhaps a Crowley clone?
Personality = 11 - Strength The number 11 symbolises destiny and unity. It's a critical point of your journey where you must look within yourself to confront the darkness. Strength is a pivotal mid point within the Major Arcana representing the mid-life crisis (not the one when you turn 40 btw) when you ask "who am I?" "Where am I going?" "What is my destiny?" It's about overcoming the weakness of yourself by confronting your inner demons and that which prevents your from moving forward.
Many people use the Celtic Cross differently. Personally I don't use it as it was originally devised as part of a parlour game, however you wouldn't remove these cards from the reading. Instead consider their position carefully within the layout and how they relate to either of their associated "personality" meanings. That will effect the position.