06-28-2008, 02:23 AM
Shadow Wrote:That is a very good question ...
... I have mulled over it, and decided as follows ...
1) I do believe in God already, so it's not a huge stretch to imagine the scenario you've proposed;
2) I believe that there are aspects of my character which I didn't choose, but which were chosen for me - in a sense I perceive myself as having been made the way I am, and so being homosexual isn't a choice I believe I have the right to make - it is simply what I am;
3) I believe God is a forgiving entity, and a patient one, and so I cannot readily accept that he would damn me, or any other homosexual, simply for doing what we were made to do.
... so no, I wouldn't look to change my ways - I believe I am this way for a reason, and trying to force myself into becoming something I'm just not, in order to avoid the wrath of an entity that had a hand in creating me would be, to my mind, cowardice.
I am, what I am.
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
P.s. I wouldn't look down my nose at anybody that did want to change - that's just my personal take on it from looking at myself.
TO add to this idea, God supposedly made man in his own image, so I guess God must be partially gay... since he's made us and the other lot.