Would it be easier to tell one of them 1st?
princealbertofb Wrote:It's actually funny how parents can sometimes know something without you telling them. My boyfriend and I haven't technically said anything to my dad and yet he understands the situation. It was just a question of bringing him home, showing normal levels of affection (but not too many publick displays of kissing for example, as we don't want to make him uncomfortable) but just living life normally with that person included in your life. I wonder if that would be possible. Just to have the girlfriend around and not say anything that didn't speak for itself, if you know what I mean. Now if I were ever to say to my dad that I'm gay, I'm be speaking the obvious and it wouldn't be alarming at all to utter the words. If your parents are worldly and not homophobic, I'm sure they'll pick up on it pretty quickly. No need to say the words, just live the life. And share it normally with them.
that could be a way of handling the situation, as long as he is comfortable with it too
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Joined: Jun 2009
I'm a : Single Gay Man
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I liked the cake idea, where the girl baked a cake and put "Mom and Dad I'm Gay" on the top, went over well and became a sensation on the internet, Jim
Try telling your gay parents that their children are straight... my parent are straightophobic LOL... Honestly though come out when you are ready, there's no rush to be had and more pressure you put on yourself more difficult it will get to break the ice. You know I was there with my dad when he broke it to grandma... my dad have known himself to be bisex since 12 years old and had his first gay experience at 14 and at 19 he had me  Yeah that's why I'm 18 and he's 37. He came out tho his mom while I was there, I was 10 years old and that's the first time I was hearing about two guys loving each other like a mommy and daddy. He came out abruptly to his mom and to us its children at the beauty age of 29 years old. When grand ma ask him why he didn't say it earlier... his replies "I wasn't ready" I had way to much judgment on my own sexuality to accept those of others. A year later I moved in with my dad and his current and long time boyfriend and there a beautiful adventure started.
Say it when you're ready don't go sick over it... Grandma knew there was something and she was just happy to finally find out. My dad first did it for him, it's children and his boyfriend but first it was for himself. And grandpa still have no clue... he still believe Alex to be a very good friend and roommate... hahaha who needs a roommate in a huge house with stables lol.
I live in The Woodlands (North Houston). If you'd like, you and I could get acquainted, and perhaps we could benefit from each other by having someone to talk to about gay things. I wouldn't mind adding another lesbian to my diverse collection of friends. Inbox me.
It's not like a gay guy is going to rape or molest a lesbian. I think vaginas are gross. Lol
Episcopalian94 Wrote:It's not like a gay guy is going to rape or molest a lesbian.
um . well that's completely bullshit .
rape is a crime of power and dominance and control . people very rarely rape someone because they are sexually attracted to them . they rape them because they want to abuse and hurt them and have absolute power over them.
my dad was gay and raped me (a lesbian) on many different occasions.
Episcopalian94 Wrote:I think vaginas are gross. Lol
thank you so much for that . it's always super awesome to know that someone thinks a body part that i can't help having is gross.
i mean , other than the fact that you exist because of one , and any guy that you fall in love/lust with also exists because of one , and the woman who was responsible for bringing you into the world , for whatever reason , grew you and nurtured you in her uterus for nine months (as a result of using her vagina , which she probably used again to actually give birth to you) , and the fact that , as a gay man , you won't have any reason to interact with one again or even look at one , your view that vaginas are gross is so important and valid and please keep insulting all the female members of this forum by telling them that their body parts disgust you.
tl;dr : shut the fuck up , my body is fucking awesome.
Episcopalian94 Wrote:It's not like a gay guy is going to rape or molest a lesbianI. think vaginas are gross. Lol
WTF! This attitude and way of thinking makes me sick. I'm not going to repeat what Meg already said to you, I totally agree with her, but if women disgusts you, why you are in a forum that is for both men and women? You just managed to insult lots of members here.
Why be so feminist? If you guys said dicks were disgusting, I wouldn't really take offense.
I'm sorry for being so abrupt, but I just don't like vaginas. My friend showed me this YouTube video of what heterosexual sex looks like from inside the vagina (they somehow put a camera up there) and I started to gag. I also gag at the sight of vomit or blood. Are you going to be upset over that too? After all my mom vomited when she was pregnant with me, and she still has periods, and sometimes she grosses me out by showing me her bloody pad.
If your dad had sex with your mom, and then raped you, and is now gay, it sounds like he's sexually confused.
This isn't what the intent of my post was for, to "piss off people". It was to tell the first poster that there is someone in her neighborhood that cares. You just chose to perceive this as offensive.
Episcopalian94 Wrote:If your dad had sex with your mom, and then raped you, and is now gay, it sounds like he's sexually confused.
lots of gay men have sex with women before they come out. when mine did that it just so happened to lead to me being conceived . it's not that shocking . i know quite a few people with at least one gay parent (who were naturally conceived , not adopted / born via a surrogate)
and my dad didn't rape me and then turn gay . he was always gay . as i said before , rape is not about having sex with someone that you're attracted to . my dad raped me to control and dehumanize me , and to have total power over me. nothing to do with his sexuality (or mine.).
i'm not going to say "dicks are disgusting" , because they're not. and even if i did think that , i wouldn't say it on a forum where the majority of people here have one because i have managed to realize that calling someone's body disgusting is a really idiotic thing to do. i , and the other women here , cannot help having a vagina . it's just something that happens to be part of our bodies. get over it.
remember that women are a minority on here , and we've already put up with idiotic comments from people calling us gross and saying our bodies are disgusting from many people in the past , so we will absolutely rip into you and be "so feminist" when another idiot shows up and makes similar comments.
i do not care in any way whatsoever if you're not attracted to women . that's great . but if you tell me that part of my body is disgusting then i'm going to absolutely call you out on it and think you should really shut the fuck up.
Episcopalian94 Wrote:This isn't what the intent of my post was for, to "piss off people". It was to tell the first poster that there is someone in her neighborhood that cares. You just chose to perceive this as offensive.
i didn't "choose" to perceive anything as offensive.
it's offensive to be told that my body is disgusting when i didn't choose to have my body (at least , not that part of it).
it's also offensive to , essentially , be told that my childhood couldn't have happened because there's absolutely no way a gay man would ever rape a lesbian.