obviously, members (or at least some members) are going to come and go on this site from time to time, but it's been bugging me lately wondering where a couple of our past members are and i was wondering if anyone here knows of the whereabouts or current situation with these members? Now i can't exactly remember them by name but on was an African-American member with "apple"something in his name and the other on was a F>M transgender Teenager(if i remember right). Anybody that can help with information about them, it's much appreciated( oh and if one or both of you are still active on here, sorry i didn't notice)
I understand, I'm on and was on various forum since over 10 years... ;-P
You must mean My apple and Slipknottz(?)
I've seen Slipknot around infrequently, but have not read of Myapple at all recently.
I'd really personally like to know what's happened with Fenris and Monkie(Monk). I loved those 2,<3
I miss Marshlander alot...that was a great loss....
...same with Azulai, Monk, Fenris, Beaux, Bookworm, Rainbowmum, PA (though I see him around a bit...still miss him)...
I think every board I have ever been on changes personalities maybe twice a year....
I guess that's life, people do come and go.
There will be a point in your life you'll be needing a site like this, and then you don't.
To be fair, its still the same old GS, a lot of new members gave joy to the community
In March I will have been here a year. Wish I could have met the older members that no longer get on
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Threads: 17
Joined: May 2011
I'm a : Bi Man in a Monogamous Straight Relationship
I've seen quite a few members leave, which is a shame, but they have their reasons. I'm glad some members can come here and leave positively, I wish them all the luck in the world.
Though some members seem to leave here on a negative note, dropping off the face of the planet as if they never existed at all. For those members I/We can only hope that they found a better place to help them gain a more positive outlook.
Either-way, It would be nice to some of the past regulars pop there head in from time to time.
I too would like to know what happened to Monk.
He "disappeared" right before Mumsie went off on her family and work trek.
I know Mumsie has been busy with work and family. I would like to know that Monk is ok.
I dont think he left any exit messages with anyone.