Lolitalove Wrote:I am very open minded about it but I have dated 2 men before him who turned out to be gay.
That right there means you can have a relationship with this guy, however, you may find yourself scared because of past experiences which may be causing you insecurities
Lolitalove Wrote:He told me he used to have a male sex partner and did sexual favors for drugs. He is a former addict and this all took place about 4 years ago.
I assume that's his old self and he is no longer an addict. It was irrelevant for him to whom he gave sexual favors, it was just about the drugs.
Lolitalove Wrote:He told me that he is now straight and isn't interested in males but I am skeptical because I feel like you can't change your sexual preference.
That's true, he is a bisexual male and he will be always. He maybe want to either calm you down or himself by saying he is now straight. I must assume that him being honest about his sexuality and past, he cares for you and he's interested in a relationship with you.
Lolitalove Wrote:How should I handle a relationship with a bisexual male? I am open to this and I want to make things work with him but I don't want to prevent him from being himself. Any advice on the subject is much appreciated.
You handle it like any other relationship out there..if you 2 are in a relationship, faithfulness is expected..if that's the case then he will focus on you nevermind if he likes guys and girls..any other male will have to focus on his girl and not other girls, he will be focusing on you and not other guys/girls..know what I mean?
Let's say he gets attracted to a guy and cheats...this will not be different than a straight guy cheating on you with a's still cheating..and it's a personal trait of's not related to bisexuality..
Likewise if he is faithful towards you that is a personal trait of his, and it could fit a straight or a bi guy..if he was with another man, also, he would be expected to be faithful towards him.
so, since you are an open minded person, that's basically all you need to be with him, as, for all intents and purposes he is in a a straight relationship with you, so you do whatever you do in any other relationship..
love, accompany and enjoy each other
