I need an advise from fellow gay , i am in a country where the penalty for been a gay is 14 years Jail term , i am confused , no peace , no happiness ,i am dying emotionally as i am denied of having a relationship with a Gay , I am single virtually everyone here do not want to say he/she is a gay .What do i do ?Please advise me .
I can only tell you what i would do… i would pack my bags and leave. (I would die emotionally too)
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Joined: May 2013
I'm a : Single Gay Man
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It's hard but the reality is that you have no other choice other than to leave for a gay friendlier country.
"You can be young without money but you can't be old without money"
Maggie the Cat from "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." by Tennessee Williams
Either hide and have secret relationship or move to another country.
I know of one case where a Russian got asylum in Germany, because the laws in Russia allow persecution of gays. I think this is a way to go .... asylum in a country that granted asylum in cases of pursuit of gays.
I think we - the gay and lesbian people - should build up Rescue plans for the persecuted
It says you are from the USA? Obviously this isn't true, but what country are you from? That might help with context, although just from what you said it sounds horrible. What you say of your country very much makes me think of Uganda; as the specific details coincide with the infamous antigay law that was just recently passed there.
Many countries are providing asylum for LGBT (gay) persons, and have provided asylum for much milder laws. I really believe you need to look at going to another country as a refugee.
Be prepared to have to 'prove' your sexuality, some countries require this. A lawyer will undoubtedly advice you during your refugee case if so... Life in another country will be difficult for sure, but it sounds better than the hell your country is putting you through right now.
Hopefully your country will join the 21st century with the rest of the developed world someday very soon...
It will be slightly difficult to tell you anything if we don't know where you come from.
The obvious answer is always: get as much money as you can and get out of that place to a better and more friendly one.
But I don't know how feasible is this for you. Are you sorrounded by other countries with the same stance? How far are you from the Americas or Europe, which would be the more LGBT friendly places?
From your profile:
looking for a sincere and transparent relationship
I think transparency would start with telling the truth of your geographical location.
Roswell isn't known for throwing gays into jail. It is, however, well known for its infestation of aliens from other worlds that like to shove things up people's bums.
So what country are you in - really? If this thread actually applies?