07-31-2008, 11:55 PM
Dan1089 Wrote:I'm just a guy that happens to appreciate how much effort ladies put into looking so damn sexy.I'm just wondering whether I'm the only person that ever had the experience of kissing for just the fun of it?I hate feeling like Gayspeak's head ho! :biggrin:
Kool topic!
I've kissed a few gals and also found it a totally different experience it sooo much softer etc I was gonna say few years ago (eons now i think) i went to see placebo play at a gay club with a gal (she was gay too) anyhoo the gig was swamped with straight guys (in a really rough part o' town) there was noooo way we were missin the set so we played the couple and ......enjoyin the booze snogged quite a few times (more to buy our pretty faces (lol) than outta the enjoyment) but that factor was still there!
To me kissin's not as intimate as sex so its summit to be enjoyed regardless of who ya kissin' Not to knock it bein summit real special when it with someone ya love!