So I've definitely noticed a steady decline in my mental and physical health (the former of which I've already talked about, so let's focus on the latter here please). Ever since leaving the military a couple years ago, I've had nothing to push me into staying active, and I don't work well without outside motivation. I'm not noticeably overweight or at any major health risk, but I just feel like a total sloth lately. I'd like to change that.
My biggest issue is that I absolutely hate going to gyms. I have a social anxiety issue, which doesn't prevent me from being in public at all, but does overcharge my anxiety when working out around a bunch of other people. So I've given up on gyms long ago. I do go on walks, and occasionally short jogs, with my dog, so I'm not completely inactive. It just doesn't seem like enough, especially when bad weather rolls around. I've tried getting into some of the local adult soccer teams (I used to be really into the sport), but I can't seem to find a way in to play with any of them. I've since left my name on a list for that... like a year ago. I've also considered getting back into martial arts, which I stopped doing years ago, but most places here in Albuquerque just seem like assholes trying to grab my money for cheap training.
So where do I find the motivation to go out and do anything? I'm not putting too much faith into myself to just go out every day on my own. With a lack of active friends (not including my dog), where do I go to get involved in something that will enforce my activity? What do you do to stay active? What do you recommend?
I can be far beyond lazy because im onne of those people who can eat like crazy and lay around and not gain any sudden weight. Thats something I hold over you, namestealer.
Though the best I can really recommend is going on long walks often when the weather isnt ice cold or blazing hot, or riding a bike often. Those are really the only fun ways of staying active from my point of view
Romann Wrote:I can be far beyond lazy because im onne of those people who can eat like crazy and lay around and not gain any sudden weight. Thats something I hold over you, namestealer.
Bitch, I'm the same way. And I had the name first, so stop your damn jealousy already
Romann Wrote:Though the best I can really recommend is going on long walks often when the weather isnt ice cold or blazing hot, or riding a bike often. Those are really the only fun ways of staying active from my point of view
Yeah, I do that, but definitely not often enough. I can't seem to push myself into a structured system of it. And the weather does suddenly turn to shit here randomly, so I can only really keep myself going at all with that in the summer... when it doesn't get too hot.
I'm unemployed and pretty much don't have much income coming in
so I'm pretty much relegated to being at home for most of the week.
I can't afford a gym membership either, so I got myself an exercise mat
and looked up work out that used body weight and didn't require any equipment.
I'm going on my 6-7th week and I've started seeing changes half way through,
but I understand though, the first two weeks were pretty rough. I had to get the
motivation to even begin to start getting ready for it, but as the days and weeks
passed it became part of my daily routine and I got used to it.
I just have to change alternate with different routines and introduce new routines
after 3-4 weeks just to give my body more of a challenge.
As for socializing, all my friends life faraway and since I can't really afford the
drive and money to hang out. I occupy myself with reading and keeping myself
and my brain busy by doing crafts [to the point that I'm actually gonna start a
small business out of it soon].
I also volunteer for local Pagan groups to help set-up/pack or assist in minding
booths and assisting speakers during workshops.. etc.
I wish I am employed again, but I don't mind doing things on my own and meeting
all kinds of folks.. I just wished I was getting paid for it
I'm sure you'll find something that you'll like and take interest in, it just takes
that first step  Good luck~
synonymous Wrote:I just have to change alternate with different routines and introduce new routines
after 3-4 weeks just to give my body more of a challenge.
Yes, that's a big one. Make sure you keep changing your routine. Not only will it will help with further physical advancement, but it will help defeat that mental fog.
As for motivation, maybe evaluate why you want to be active. What are your fitness goals? To be healthy is cool, but it can be hard to evaluate. Do you want to run a marathon? Make it easier to climb stairs? Lift heavier boxes? I don't know what your goals are, but the more goals you make that are related to your activity (and, even more so, the more goals that are related to your everyday life), the more motivation you will find for keeping up your fitness.
Good luck.
findingmyway Wrote:As for motivation, maybe evaluate why you want to be active. What are your fitness goals? To be healthy is cool, but it can be hard to evaluate. Do you want to run a marathon? Make it easier to climb stairs? Lift heavier boxes? I don't know what your goals are, but the more goals you make that are related to your activity (and, even more so, the more goals that are related to your everyday life), the more motivation you will find for keeping up your fitness.
Good luck. 
Yeah, motivation is the hard part. I don't have any fitness goals, because I don't really have any obstacles in my life to clear in that way. The last time I went on a long competitive run (back when I was in high school sports), I injured my knee (still not recovered). So I definitely don't want to go for that anymore. I can climb stairs just fine. I can lift everything I really need to lift in my every-day life. My main issue is that I'm just laying around all the time doing nothing. I do have a little bit of a belly I could lose (not much, but still there), but I'm not particularly unhealthy. I just feel like a complete slob living my life like this. I'd just like to break the cycle.
Knee injury - did you get that seen by a doctor or are you waiting for it to heal?
Mind aruond age 24 menisci stop healing and there is only surgery to shape, cut out and scrape down what can be saved removal of the rest. And the longer you wait for it to 'heal' the more damage is done and the worst it gets.
Then the ligaments and other tissues get all pissy and never actually heal and require a surgeon to go in, stitch, stable, shave, cut, remove stuff.
Got a yard? If so start a vegetable garden - its a two punch, as not only do you get exercise tending it, but you also get good for you foods to eat.
Or you can come spend summer here with me and help me do a lot of stuff which frankly I'm hard pressed to see myself doing it alone...
VileKyle Wrote:Yeah, motivation is the hard part. I don't have any fitness goals, because I don't really have any obstacles in my life to clear in that way. The last time I went on a long competitive run (back when I was in high school sports), I injured my knee (still not recovered). So I definitely don't want to go for that anymore. I can climb stairs just fine. I can lift everything I really need to lift in my every-day life. My main issue is that I'm just laying around all the time doing nothing. I do have a little bit of a belly I could lose (not much, but still there), but I'm not particularly unhealthy. I just feel like a complete slob living my life like this. I'd just like to break the cycle.
Mental motivations/goals can be helpful, too. Like, you can picture yourself before and after a workout. Just before going to exercise, remind yourself that you'll feel a lot healthier and refreshed once you are done. Or, do the reverse. Remind yourself that you'll feel frustrated and like a slob if you don't workout. I know it's easier said than done, though.
Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:Knee injury - did you get that seen by a doctor or are you waiting for it to heal?
Several. The military doctors helped me extensively with it, and most of the pain has gone away. I just get some shooting pain every once in a while to remind me of it. It doesn't stop me from doing things like it used to, but I still notice it. I have some stretches I do to help it, but that's about all I can do anymore. Being active again would definitely help it some more, and that's exactly what I'm trying for. Being inactive just makes things go back to seizing up, so I try to keep that from happening.
I can't really think of anything that has not been mentioned already, except for bike riding or skateboarding. Are there any bike/skateboard parks near you? Maybe you can get out and do that when you don't feel like walking?
I love riding a bike, but its extremely unsafe where I live, so it is rare that I get out and do that.
The only bike paths I know of are on the other side of the city, and I think its ludicrous to put my bike in my truck and DRIVE to a freeking park in order to ride my bike!!!
As far as jobs go..........are you scared of heights? Does being knocked around by the wind frighten you? If not, you might think of becoming a window washer. I hear they make good money. You are outside and in motion most of the day.
I can't do that, heights scare the shit outta me, and I get dizzy being over one story up.
I can help with job suggestions, if you need some help with that. you have access to a dune buggy? Or maybe rent one? I know theres lots of sand and open ground around there.