I want to post one of my favorite (idiot) youtube videos, but since youtube has changed few months ago I cannot find that video... So I complain to you, Tinklyttinkly!
sillyboy86 Wrote: I want to post one of my favorite (idiot) youtube videos, but since youtube has changed few months ago I cannot find that video... So I complain to you, Tinklyttinkly!
I have a monstrous sweet tooth. Usually when I go for candy though, it's got chocolate in it. Or drugs. Let's stick to the chocolate for now. Have some toffee:
And anything with peanuts is usually a winner for me:
Usually I'm not a big fan of hershey's but I have a soft spot for cookies & creme:
Miles Wrote:I have a monstrous sweet tooth. Usually when I go for candy though, it's got chocolate in it. Or drugs. Let's stick to the chocolate for now. Have some toffee:
And anything with peanuts is usually a winner for me:
Usually I'm not a big fan of hershey's but I have a soft spot for cookies & creme:
And also more toffee:
Plus Reese's anything is pretty much a mouthgasm.
Toffee and chocolate!!!!
I want some now!!! Damn, that means I have to get up and walk to the store!!!
Now I dont want it so badly anymore.