Is it really that bad everywhere else now?
I know in Korea, it's especially bad. Even the elderly are doing it. Top it all off with the fact that every phone in Korea sans-iPhones have a TV tuner built in and there's not a snowball chance in hell anyone's looking up from their phones.
I only take my phone out if I'm meeting somebody as when im out I dont like to have things in my pockets, weighing me down and I want to experience my surrounding. I hate people who are always looking down on there phone with earphones stuck in there head.. all the time, its sad and im not one.
I live in London and it's probably just as bad as Montréal if not worse! (in fact I'd say worse). every single time I get on the Tube every morning there's always someone staring into their mobile phones texting or browsing the net, playing fucking Candy Crush, or watching movies. You get adults playing games and watching movies for their entire journeys sometimes. And when you get off the train and the other end and are leaving the station you get people walking around who are staring at their damned phones and aren't watching where they are going. You really have to pay careful attention to your surroundings because they sure as hell aren't! I don't understand why people are that addicted. I mean I've a blackberry but I only use it to refer to the time to check for texts occasionally and to make or receive calls. To pass the time on the train I just use a book!
I think the girls hold them for many reasons.
1. Their pants have no pockets. Because who needs pockets, right?
2. Their "purse" (that huge bag they haul around) is too full and it would get lost.
3. A mirror.
4. Twitter.
5. Instagram.
6. They saw something that required them to take a picture with it...
6b. Duckface.
7. Their bra is too sweaty to put it there.
8. If a guy is bothering them, they can pretend to not notice him and pretend to be texting.
9. Mirror.
10. Instagram.
Harder to get pickpocketed if it's in a tight grip in your hand
@PenguinPecker: You forgot Instagram.