06-01-2014, 03:47 AM
Is it strange that I happen to consider myself a vegetarian and yet, the staples of my diet happen to include: cheese, chips, and bread? I literally go days without eating a single vegetable (that isn't processed) and yet, according to the definition of what a vegetarian is:
.... I am one. The strangest part in all of this is that even before I began to consider myself a vegetarian, I would go weeks at a time without a single piece of meat, in fact, I became a vegetarian a few days after Thanksgiving (Turkey day) after eating all of the leftovers! I have completely no idea what made me even want to become a vegetarian, I think it was originally animal rights, but I soon stumbled upon the logic that humans are animals and sometimes, animals eat other animals, so it just started not to make sense to me but I still stayed a vegetarian - only with no convictions (I'm not religious either).
It's been a year and a half since I didn't give myself this label so yeah, it's strange how I could avoid meat and I'm even thinking of becoming a vegan (this time, with the reason that I have acne and milk apparently makes it worse) even though I hate PETA (look up their "Got Autism?" campaign - I have autism so no, I don't like it) but that won't happen probably for a few years.... So yeah, I do have a point and a question. Point in mind? I have an unknown food aversion from meat. My questions?
Do you have food aversions, and if so, why?
I don't mind simple comments either, especially if you might have an answer for my odd reasoning for why I'm a vegetarian!
But no, I won't be eating one any time soon >
And especially not this >
(I do love kitties)
Quote:Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat – red meat, poultry, seafood and the flesh of any other animal; it may also include abstention from by-products of animal slaughter.
.... I am one. The strangest part in all of this is that even before I began to consider myself a vegetarian, I would go weeks at a time without a single piece of meat, in fact, I became a vegetarian a few days after Thanksgiving (Turkey day) after eating all of the leftovers! I have completely no idea what made me even want to become a vegetarian, I think it was originally animal rights, but I soon stumbled upon the logic that humans are animals and sometimes, animals eat other animals, so it just started not to make sense to me but I still stayed a vegetarian - only with no convictions (I'm not religious either).
It's been a year and a half since I didn't give myself this label so yeah, it's strange how I could avoid meat and I'm even thinking of becoming a vegan (this time, with the reason that I have acne and milk apparently makes it worse) even though I hate PETA (look up their "Got Autism?" campaign - I have autism so no, I don't like it) but that won't happen probably for a few years.... So yeah, I do have a point and a question. Point in mind? I have an unknown food aversion from meat. My questions?
Do you have food aversions, and if so, why?
I don't mind simple comments either, especially if you might have an answer for my odd reasoning for why I'm a vegetarian!
But no, I won't be eating one any time soon >

And especially not this >