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Joined: May 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
I need some advice from you guys and gals, I'm searching for a place to stay at the moment and I was wondering if it would be better to move into an apartment or town house. with an apartment I can find an affordable one close to work but I am looking for a two bedroom so I can have a workout room and would like a washer and dryer. on the other hand, I would really like the extra space in a town house but I would have to look a little further from work for the cheaper townhouses and I'm worried about taxes and insurance but from what I've seen so far it will average out to about the same as an apartment. any advice would be a huge help.
Living a bit far away from all the stress of work etc. is a big bonus.
If you can drive or bus, it's not problem. You gotta have a nice pkace o relacx
If you want a work out room, then I would suggest:
If you get an apt., you need a downstairs apt., as using your equipment will be noisy for the people downstairs, if you get an upstairs apt. A townhouse would be more appropriate, since those are pretty much larger versions of an apt., but in a housing structure.
Apartments are more affordable, as you dont have the responsibility of taxes, fee's, and other government issues to worry about.
There are higher scale apartments that have more bedroom options and washer/dryer connections. I have lived in some apartments that actually came with washer/dryers in them.
Unless you RENT a townhouse, you are pretty much buying a house, and will have to go through all of the same headaches as you would getting a real house. Renting will give you the same options as getting an apartment.....the owner is responsible for the fee's, taxes, and repairs/maintenance for the property they own.
If you want to rent, you may also look at home rental properties. There are also "rent to own" housing properties, but are harder to find. You can rent these, and if you ever decide to buy, your rent counts towards your down payment on the property.
I would get some paper and a pen and make two columns on the sheet, separated into "Apt." and "Townhome" and write down all the pro's and cons for each. That way you see it all on paper.
You might want to talk with some realtors in the area(s) you are considering living in, to get ideas on prices, features, and accommodations in townhouses or rental properties.
For apartments, I would have suggested using an apartment finder office/site, but they are useless nowadays, as they only thing they do is email you a link to what you can find on your own..on their websites. Waste of time and money..........these "apartment finders" pretty much get big fat paychecks for doing absolutely nothing, but emailing you a link to their website listings.
Weigh up travel expenses and time taken to travel with the savings from living further out and there you will find your answer.
Posts: 2,800
Threads: 61
Joined: May 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Thanks everyone, I'll do a little more reaserch before I decide. I just hope I don't end up next to bad neighbours.
What others have suggested, Ceez.
And if i may. This is random but I always like you from the get go. I find you very charming and such a nice guy. If we live close to each other, I already ask you to go out with me.
Anyway best wishes, Ceez.Thumbs up.