ivorybenz Wrote:explain to me what a demisexual is?
If I'm not mistaken people who identify as demisexual do not develop sexual attraction for a person until after an emotional bond has already been developed with that person. So there's some overlap with asexuality.
I think it helps to understand all these labels as not being absolute, discrete categories, as being descriptive rather than prescriptive ("well, I feel/act this way, so _____ label tends to match my feelings/actions" vs. "oh well I'm ____ so if I don't do _____ things there's a problem and now I'm confused"). The labels don't necessarily fit individuals exactly, and people's understandings of them don't always align. They can be useful as long as you don't rely too much on them.
With pansexuality (at least in my understanding, again understandings differ), it seems to more completely describe my inclinations (as far as I can recall, my attraction to someone has mostly not been predicated on if they identify as male or female or in-between or neither or something else entirely), than say bisexuality; I'm more likely to say "I'm bisexual" however, just because more people know what that is, and it describes my inclinations pretty well. But I'm most likely to not even bother thinking about it, because most people don't give a shit and at this point neither do I.
So yeah, before I forget what my point was....pretty much labels, eh. Take em or leave em, have a field day, it's no skin off my dick. Just remember to be a person