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It's just been reported on the news that an Afghan security guard has shot and killed three doctors providing care for Afghans near Kabul. The security guard's job was to protect them. He tried to commit sucide but failed and is now receiving treatment for his wounds.
What is it with the Taliban that they want to kill those who are there voluntarily to help them?
"You can be young without money but you can't be old without money"
Maggie the Cat from "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." by Tennessee Williams
My thinking is they are threatened by anyone who does not hold their beliefs. It is the same with any religion, if you do not believe as I do you are of the devil.
The CIA has used charity organizations to infiltrate countries before (not that the said charity organizations knew about it until such agents were exposed) so they tend to have a bad rep as crawling with spies and worse. In addition, they probably say those who accept such aid are security risks who may talk too much to these foreign spies, especially if they use medicine to loosen up their lips through either intoxication or extortion (and maybe that Afghans should have faith in God rather than seek aid from enemy infidels). Another common problem in places like that there are different tribes and factions and aiding one creates enemies of those who hate the said factions/tribes being helped, more than one relief worker has been killed over that.
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That's a reasoned and plausible theory Pix but it doesn't make them any less retards!
"You can be young without money but you can't be old without money"
Maggie the Cat from "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." by Tennessee Williams
hey neighbour... maybe... maybe not... LOL
My question goes slightly further, why are there second or third generation middle eastern/asian people in the UK that go out of their way to "assist" such militias..? Shouldn't they be grateful that their parents or grandparents were allowed into this country? IF they have thirst of blood, why don't they join the British Army instead..?
I come form a country in complete turmoil... a place I left over 7 years ago... and although I don't share such beliefs, I can understand how these ideas/believes/morals might have become the only source of energy in some people's lives, I've seen it happening...
I just don't think is fair to judge these people from our comfortable sofa in a first world country... I'm not justifying them, NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL! All I'm saying is, circumstances have EVERYTHING to do with this...
I fled my country, some people aren't that lucky.
it doesn't make any sense. In the case of Afghanistan it's what many people may call 'biting the hand that feeds you'. We've given them so much in aid and whilst I respect their culture I cannot respect the way they abuse our hospitality and generosity this way. The war may've been a stupid mistake but it was all for them at the end of the day - and this is how our efforts are repaid?! in some countries if you abuse the hospitality and generosity of a neighbour then to quote Sin City, the hell they send you to will look like heaven after they're through with you... yet we let stuff like this happen too often.
It would help if Karzai and his fellow hombres stopped sniping and bitching about 'The West' (a pejorative term in itself), and started criticising and making life difficult for the mullahs and the madrases where these militants come from.
and if they want a violent jihad - why not attack the corrupt Arab oligarchs and oilmen who really do enslave the Muslim world? Are they not the enemies of Islam as well after all? It is the Middle East monarchs who're responsible for exploitative labour conditions in these countries after all, amongst other things and they're guilty of many many grave sins. How come they only consider the US and Western Europe as their enemies?
I side with Pix on this. The whole thing boils down to the alphabet men (CIS, FBI, KGb, M1, etc) having played so many games that no one is above suspicion and everyone is a potential threat.
I hate to say this, but over the past half century or more (which is to say all of your life at the very least), the spy vs spy game hand had a direct hand in forming the world we have now.
Take Bin Laden - a CIA operative who was badly abused by the US government - what did he do? He took is training and used it against the once friend he had to attempt to destroy that friend.
the Taliban is a product of the Soviet War in Afghanistan - a war which the Western World fought via Spy Vs Spy tactics. The same war where the CIA used their operative, Ossama Bin Laden.
The current problems with Iran goes back to at least the whole Shaw of Iran issue and those hostages back in the Carter Administration so many decades ago.
And behind the scenes KGB, CIA and god only knows what other alphabet institutions were involved stirring that particular pot of poo creating the world we now exist in.
Before Gulf War One, Iraq was a really nice place to live in. Yeah sure they had Saddam, but most of the citizens were downright happy. Gulf War one, the decades of continual bombing leading up to Gulf War Two... all of that devastated and annihilated a way of life that Iraq still has yet to see again.
We - the western world, created this mess by electing politicians who had their own self interests at heart. We, the peoples of the Western World allowed a lot of very, very nasty things to take place. We ignored it, we sympathized with our politicians, we let ourselves be lead to believe that it was all necessary.
Today we are reaping the harvest from what we sowed so long ago.
The Taliban is a natural extension of all of those years of pain and suffering we the peoples of the western world allowed our politicians to do.
Psychology will point out that monsters are created via the actions of others who inflict horrors upon people. Socialogy also points to that end.
Cause and effect. It not only applies to the Taliban, but every other horrific conflict that humanity partakes in.
Hitler is an example of that. Had World War I never happened, Hitler would not have followed the path he did. Nazism flourished in world where Germany was very poorly treated for its 'crimes' of World War I. Had Europe not been so harsh post WWI I seriously doubt Nazism would have flourished in the hate fertilized soils of Germany, hatred born of oppression.
The same thing applies here in our modern world. The Taliban flourished because the soil in which its seeds were planted was fertilized with hatred, and uses and abuses by two super powers that cared not about the innocent who were trampled in their games.
The real horror here, that in the past two decades the fertilizer of hatred has been spread thicker and thicker. The events of 9-11 were not a military action, they were a crime, a crime used to justify military action. That has sowed so much more hatred and distrust that there is little wonder that the Taliban acts the way it does.
The Taliban has good reason for paranoid actions and reactions, history has demonstrated to them exactly how the CIA, KGB and all of those other assorted criminal organizations go about business.
Thus this was a preemptive strike - and no doubt history will reveal that those 'doctors' were not actually just doctors - I fear that most likely they were actually operatives of some alphabet agency.