The idea of the perfect penis is simply a myth created to promote promiscuity.
Six inches, kind of thick especially in the middle, uncut, and a nice head would be perfect for my taste.
Seeking perfection only sows the seeds of disappointment. Mother Nature has provided a splendid variety to enjoy. Some may feel that the penis makes the man. Others think that the man makes the penis. Find someone you can love for who he is and his penis will be just fine.
I look at what is on the other end of the penis. He had better be warm, loving, caring and devoted, and I would reciprocate. His penis is not what will make him faithful.
I find it very sad, those who place so much emphasis on this. The expectations of even the average human are shamed by such trivial matters they strive and fail to live up to. In the end to each their own, but remember there is a person deserving of love beyond the intercourse.
As for penis preference, as long as he can wield it I win. xD
Am I the only gay guy who isn't really attracted to penises at all? I mean, to me they're ONLY hot as tools for pleasure, not in and of themselves. In fact, they're kind of strange. And the thing beneath them is probably the ugliest part of the human body, by far.