06-01-2014, 03:56 PM
I don't know where all the new boys have suddenly come from (it must have been from somewhere!), but I find many of your ideas and insights informed by having a bit of life experience behind you very welcome.
I guess the last time there was such an influx of new people was when I along with PA, Shadow, Michael, Vigilias et al signed up after gay.com shut the London office and closed its discussion forum in 2007.
Having eventually deleted my account and only recently rejoined I find only a few of my former mates still apparently active here, although P.A. has been here all along and has mentioned what has been going on from time to time. While it is lovely to see all my old friends again I would just like to say thanks for the contribution the new gang is making. Yes, it has changed the nature of the discussion and the character of the forum, but I welcome your input.
Cheers, guys
I guess the last time there was such an influx of new people was when I along with PA, Shadow, Michael, Vigilias et al signed up after gay.com shut the London office and closed its discussion forum in 2007.
Having eventually deleted my account and only recently rejoined I find only a few of my former mates still apparently active here, although P.A. has been here all along and has mentioned what has been going on from time to time. While it is lovely to see all my old friends again I would just like to say thanks for the contribution the new gang is making. Yes, it has changed the nature of the discussion and the character of the forum, but I welcome your input.
Cheers, guys